Our library specialises in books, periodicals, video and assessments which deal with sensory impairment and related issues. The following items from our collection have been selected to accompany this course.
Brown, Martin ... [et al]
Think right/feel good: a short course for promoting well-being in deaf young people
Guide Dogs & NDCS, [2012]
A programme of workshops to promote emotional well-being and good social skills in deaf young people based on the programme devised by Guide Dogs for children with vision problems.
National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Healthy minds: a programme for exploring good emotional health and well-being with deaf young people
NDCS, 2011
ISBN 9781907814365
Programme of 6 sessions aimed to develop and promote positive mental health for children and young people who are deaf.
National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
What are you feeling? a guide to developing emotional vocabulary for children who are deaf and may have learning difficulties
NDCS, 2012
ISBN 9781907814679
Teaching resource for deaf children with learning difficulties which provides emotional vocabulary. Worksheets provide graphic and signed explanations for the words (Widgit Symbols).
Schamroth, Karin & Lawlor, Emma
SmiLE therapy: functional communication and social skills for deaf students and students with special needs
Speechmark, 2015
ISBN 9781909301559
This programme was designed to help deaf children to cope with the realities of communication in the real world away from the protective environments of home and school.
Dekesel, Kris & Fenton, Rebecca
Essential British Sign Language for health and social care professionals
University of Wolverhampton, 2004
ISBN 1905103018
CD-ROM of sign language about health and social care.
Hao, Jian & Wu, Chunsha
Deaf children’s moral behavior, moral reasoning and emotion attribution
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Apr 2019, Vol 24 (2), p95-103
Deaf children were given tasks relating to lying, sharing with others and making moral judgements. Comparison with a hearing group showed that there could be some lag in development of sharing with others, possibly related to underdeveloped theory of mind in deaf children.
Johnson, Paige ... [et al]
Trauma and resilience among deaf individuals
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Oct 2018, Vol 23 (4), p317-330
Researchers interviewed mental health providers to investigate the factors relating to resilience of deaf clients who have experienced trauma.
Laugen, Nina J; Jacobsen, Karl H; Rieffe, Carolien; Wichstrom, Lars
Emotion understanding in preschool children with mild-to-severe hearing loss
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
April 2017, Vol 22 (2), p155-163
Preschool children were assessed for emotional and social skills.
Luckner, John L & Movahedazarhouligh, Sara
Social -emotional interventions with children and youth who are deaf or hard of hearing: a research synthesis
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Jan 2019, Vol 24 (1), p1 -10
To be successful in school and life individuals need to learn to understand and manage their emotions, get along with others and exercise good judgement. This research paper reviews and summarises relevant interventions.
Marschark, Marc ... [et al]
Understanding theory of mind in deaf and hearing college students
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Apr 2019, Vol 24 (2), p104-118
A study of the advanced theory of mind skills of deaf university students.
Most, Tova; Ingber, Sara; Heled-Ariam, Einat
Social competence, sense of loneliness, and speech intelligibility of young children with hearing loss in individual inclusion and group inclusion
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Spring 2012, Vol 17 (2), p259-272
A study of the social skills of preschool children with hearing loss.
Patrick, Donald L ... [et al]
Caregiver-reported indicators of communication and social functioning for young children who are deaf or hard of hearing
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Jul 2018, Vol 23 (3), p200-208
Carers of deaf children aged between 5-10 years were interviewed about the deaf child's communication and social experiences, such as communication within the family, participation in social activities with peers as well as negative events such as indirect exclusion and bullying.
Peterson, Candida C
Empathy and theory of mind in deaf and hearing children
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Apr 2016, Vol 21 (2), p141-147
Deaf children's understanding of theory of mind and empathetic traits were assessed and compared.
Poon, Brenda T & Zaidman-Zait, Anat
Social support for parents of deaf children: moving toward contextualized understanding
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
April 2014, Vol 19 (2), p176-188
A review of the literature relating to the social support required by hearing parents of deaf children.
Rieffe, Carolien ... [et al]
Friendship and emotion control in pre-adolescents with or without hearing loss
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Jul 2018, Vol 23 (3), p209-218
A comparative study of older deaf children and their hearing peers on how they make and retain good friendships and how this relates to particular social skills such as controlling emotions.
Wolters, Nina; Knoors, Harry; Cillessen, Antonius H N; Verhoeven, Ludo
Impact of peer and teacher relations on deaf early adolescents’ well-being: comparisons before and after a major school transition
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Fall 2012, Vol 17 (4), p463-482
A study of the well-being of deaf children during the transition from primary to secondary schools. Gender of the pupils is considered.
Wong, Cara L; Ching, Teresa Y C; Whitfield, Jessica; Duncan, Jill
Online social participation, social capital and literacy of adolescents with hearing loss: a pilot study
Deafness and Education International
Jun 2016, Vol 18 (2), p103-116
A study of how deaf young people feel about social media.
Ziv, Margalit; Most, Tova; Cohen, Shirit
Understanding of emotions and false beliefs among hearing children versus deaf children
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
April 2013, Vol 18 (2), p161-174
Three groups of children (aged 5-7) were tested to find out their understanding of emotional cues; one hearing group, one oral group and one signing group.