These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

The materials on this list are available from

Audiology Workshop


Allum, Dianne J (Ed)
Cochlear implant rehabilitation in children and adults
Whurr, 1996
ISBN: 1897635540
Collection of articles from Cochlear Implant clinics around the world on rehabilitation of both adult and child recipients and explores the various types of therapies in use.

Cole, Elizabeth B & Flexer, Carol
Children with hearing loss: developing listening and talking: birth to six (2nd ed)
Plural, 2011
ISBN: 9781597563796
An accessible guide for parents/carers and professionals to hearing loss issues and spoken language skills of children who are deaf.

Gragg, Venita
What is an audiogram?
Gallaudet, 1985
Guide to audiograms aimed at children with illustrations and charts to help explain their own test results.

Hayes, Deborah & Northern, Jerry L
Infants and hearing
Singular, 1996
ISBN: 1565931912

Kurtzer-White, Ellen & Luterman, David
Early childhood deafness
York Press, 2001
ISBN: 0912752610
This book offers a thorough overview of paediatric audiology and provides direction for best practice intervention.

Maltby, Maryanne Tate & Knight, Pamela
Audiology: an introduction for teachers and other professionals
David Fulton, 2000
ISBN: 1853466654
A basic guide to audiology aimed at those studying to become teachers of deaf children as well as other professionals working with deaf children and their families.

Martin, Frederick
Introduction to audiology
Prentice Hall, 1994
ISBN: 0135010578

McCormick, Barry
Paediatric audiology 0-5 years (2nd edition)
Whurr, 1993
ISBN: 1897635257

McCracken, Wendy & Laoide-Kemp, Siobhán
Audiology in education
Whurr, 1997
ISBN: 1861560176

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Bone anchored hearing aids for children and young people: a guide for parents and families
NDCS, 2005
Brief guide to bone anchored hearing aids (BAHA) for families.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Child with microtia and atresia: A guide for families
NDCS, 2010
ISBN: 9780904691788
A guide for parents of children whose ears have not developed normally externally and/or within the ear canal, causing a range of hearing problems and potentially requiring reconstructive surgery.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Cochlear implants for children and young people: guidelines for professionals working with deaf children and young people
NDCS, 2005
Quality Standards series. Guidelines for professionals on cochlear implants for deaf children.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Cochlear implants: a guide for families (rev ed)
NDCS, 2005
ISBN: 0904691500
A guide to cochlear implants for families.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Enlarged vestibular aqueducts and childhood deafness: A guide for families
NDCS, 2011
ISBN: 9781907814136
A guide for parents of children with enlarged vestibular aqueducts on how this condition can affect their child. This is a type of sensorineural deafness that can be progressive or fluctuate.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Meningitis and childhood deafness: information for families
NDCS, 2009
A guide for parents of children whose hearing has been damaged by meningitis.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Over to you: a report of young deaf people's experiences of audiology
NDCS, 2011
ISBN: 9781907814259
A project to find out what young people think of their audiology department and comment on their experiences.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Quality standards for the use of personal FM systems: promoting easier listening for deaf children
NDCS, 2008
The UK Children's FM working group set out their quality standards for the use of FM systems (also known as radio aids) with deaf children in the UK. Includes a CD-ROM with good practice guidelines to complement the standards.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Quality standards in bone anchored hearing aids for children and young people
NDCS, 2003
ISBN: 0904691721
Guidelines for professionals on bone anchored hearing aids (BAHA) for deaf children.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Quality standards in paediatric audiology: occasional papers in the field of early identification of hearing impairment in children
NDCS, 1995
ISBN: 0904691381
Collection of papers from an NDCS one day conference on early identification of deafness.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Quality standards in paediatric audiology: Volume I: guidelines for the early identification of hearing impairment
NDCS, 1994
ISBN: 0904691365
Guidelines for professionals working with very young children to identify hearing loss.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Quality standards in paediatric audiology: Volume II: the audiological management of the child with permanent hearing loss
NDCS, 1996
ISBN: 090469142X
Guidelines for the holistic management of hearing impairment in children including key professionals such as speech and language therapists and developmental paediatricians.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Quality standards in paediatric audiology: Volume III: Cochlear implants for children
NDCS, 1999
ISBN: 0904691462
Guidelines and standards for professionals involved in cochlear implant surgery and associated services.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Quality standards in paediatric audiology: Volume IV: Guidelines for the early identification and the audiological management of children with hearing loss
NDCS, 2000
ISBN: 0904691543
Revision of volume I (1994) and volume II (1996) Guidelines for professionals working with young children to identify hearing loss and the holistic management of hearing impairment in children including professionals such as speech & language therapists and developmental paediatricians.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Transition from paediatric to adult audiology services in England: Quality Standards
NDCS, 2005
Quality standards for transition of deaf young people going into adult audiological services.

National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
Transition from paediatric to adult audiology services: guidelines for professionals working with deaf children and young people
NDCS, 2005
Quality Standards series. Guidelines for professionals to help ensure a smooth transition to adult audiology services for deaf youngsters.

Oticon International
Hearing aid fitting 2
Oticon International, nd
A continuation of "Hearing aid fitting 1" with the objective of explaining the relationship between the output level of a hearing aid and the degree of hearing impairment

Teachers resource pack: [audiology]
Oticon International, nd
Simple information and activities for children about the ear and hearing.

Petersen, Ole & Corell, Ib
Basic audiology
Oticon International, nd
Basic information about sound and hearing: the nature of sound; how sound originates; how it is transmitted; the anatomy of the ear; and how the ear and hearing centres of the brain perceive sound.

Public Health Institute of Scotland
Needs assessment report on NHS audiology services in Scotland
Public Health Institute of Scotland, 2003
ISBN: 1904196101
A review of services provided by NHS Audiology departments to determine their current status, and to identify options for development and priorities for the future. The multi-disciplinary review had input from audiology and other NHS professionals (eg public health medicine), education, social work services, and voluntary bodies.

Roberts, Joanne E; Wallace, Ina F; Henderson, Frederick W
Otitis media in young children: medical, developmental and educational considerations
Paul H Brookes, 1997
ISBN: 1557662789

Stach, Brad
Comprehensive dictionary of audiology (Illustrated)
Williams & Wilkins, 1997
ISBN: 0683180754

Stokes, Jacqueline
Hearing impaired infants: support in the first eighteen months
Whurr, 1999
ISBN: 1861561067
Written by professionals who work in active co-operation with parents to convey what professionals do and to enable professionals to understand what parents experience on discovering their child is deaf.

Tate, Maryanne
Audiology in education
Chapman & Hall, 1994
ISBN: 1565932964

White, Alison
Speech processors: care, concerns, connections
Ear Foundation, 2006
A practical guide to the care and maintenance of cochlear implant equipment.



English, Kris
Counselling for audiologists: listening with a 'third ear'
Ear Foundation, 2008
DVD of a lecture given by Kris English about the counselling skills required by people involved with deaf children and their families. Accompanied by a booklet and printout of presentation slides



Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID)
Using residual hearing effectively: education guidelines project
RNID, 2005
ISBN: 1904296092
Information on the management of all types of hearing loss. An update of the publication in 2000. (PDFs on CD-ROM) Series: Education guidelines project.



Appleton, Jennifer Ann & Bamford, John
Parental and child perception of hearing aid benefit
Deafness and Education International 2006, Vol 8 (1), p3-10
Compares the perceptions of children who use hearing aids and the parents perception of the benefit to the child wearing hearing aids.

Davis, Adrian ... [et al]
Critical review of the neonatal hearing screening in the detection of congenital hearing impairment
Health Technology Assessment 1997, Vol 1 (10)
An investigation into the efficacy of the distraction test as a screening of hearing impairment in young children.

Flexer, Carol
Rationale and use of sound field systems
Hearing Journal August 2002, Vol 55 (8), p10-18
Guide to sound field systems for audiology professionals in the style of "20 Questions".

Gou, J; Smith, J; Valero, J; Rubio, I
Effect of frequency transposition on speech perception in adolescents and young adults with profound hearing loss
Deafness and Education International March 2011, Vol 13 (1), p17-33
Looks at frequency-lowering of young people's hearing aids to improve speech perception.

McCracken, Wendy; Ravichandran, Aarthy; Laoide-Kemp, Siobhan
Audiological certainty in deaf children with learning disabilities: an imperative for inter-agency working
Deafness and Education International 2008, Vol 10 (1), p4-21
Looks at the audiological needs of children who have learning disabilities.

Smith, Jenny; Dann, Marilyn; Brown, P Margaret
Evaluation of frequency transposition for hearing-impaired school-age children
Deafness and Education International 2009, Vol 11 (2), p62-82
A study of the audiological outcomes for deaf children using hearing aids.