Further Reading

Our library specialises in books, periodicals, video and assessments which deal with sensory impairment and related issues. The following items from our collection have been selected to accompany this course.

Motivate - Engage - Influence - Control: assistive and communication technology for learners with severe and complex ASN including visual impairment


Allman, Carol B & Lewis, Sandra (eds)
ECC essentials: teaching the expanded core curriculum to students with visual impairments
AFB Press, 2014
ISBN 9780891284987
Addresses the additional curriculum elements that visually impaired children have to learn in order to live independent lives, this includes curriculum access, assistive technology, mobility, independent living, social skills, careers and citizenship.

Grace, Joanna
Sensory-being for sensory beings: creating entrancing sensory experiences
Routledge, 2018
ISBN 9781911186113
Explains and suggests sensory activities with people who experience the world through sensory methods rather than by typical communication methods. Sessions are aimed to encourage focus and calm.

Lewis, Larry L
iOS in the classroom: a guide for teaching students with visual impairments (iOS 9 ed)
AFB, 2016
ISBN 9780891287353
Illustrated step-by-step guide for teachers to the accessibility features of the iPad using iOS 9.

Longhorn, Flo
iPads, apps and special learners: A-Z for beginners
Flo Longhorn, 2012
ISBN 9780955900839
Background information on iPad use and themed selections of appropriate apps for use on iPads, iPhones or iPod Touch which can be used particularly well with children who have additional support needs.

Mill, Craig
iPads for communication, access, literacy and learning (iCALL) 2nd ed
CALL Scotland, 2014
ISBN 9781898042358
Guide to iPads for people using them with learners who have a range of learning and communication difficulties. Includes guidance on the basics, apps, accessibility options, preparing devices for exams, and the practicalities of maintaining and protecting devices within educational settings.

Nisbet, Paul ... [et al]
Supportive writing technology
CALL Centre, 1999
ISBN 1898042136
A comprehensive overview of the technology available which compensate for some of the limitations and difficulties pupils face while writing (eg physical problems, spelling, sentence construction, planning written work, language disorders and visual problems.)

Sparrowhawk, Anne & Heald, Ysanne
How to use ICT to support children with special educational needs
LDA, 2007
ISBN 9781885034204
Practical tips and advice on assessing provision of ICT for children with additional support needs, choosing technology, approaches for different types of difficulty and interactive whiteboards.

Wilson, Allan & Gow, Rebecca
Eyes have IT
CALL Scotland, 2011
ISBN 9781898042327
Collected papers from the 20th Augmentative Communication in Practice on the use of eye gaze technology to support communication.


Hollis, Charlotte
Tell us what you really think
Nov/Dec 2014, No 54, p36-7
Teenagers are encouraged to express themselves using iPads.

Jones, Beth Ashby; Rudinger, Belinda; Williams, Nichole; Witcher, Stephanie
Training pre-service general educators in assistive technology competencies for students with visual impairments
British Journal of Visual Impairment
Jan 2019, Vol 37 (1), p29-39
Looks at how and to what extent initial teacher education prepares teachers for using assistive technology with children with visual impairments.

Longhorn, Flo
Using iPads for "learning to look"
March/April 2012, No 38, p28-29
A short item on apps for visual attention, visual tracking & scanning and motivators.

Minto, Hector
Eyegaze, eyetracking and visual stimulation
Mar/Apr 2014, No 50, p20-23
Describes what eyegaze technology is and how can be used with children with complex needs who also have visual impairment.

Ockelford, Adam & Zimmermann, Sally-Anne
Sounds of intent: using music for learning and communication
May/June 2012, No 39, p11-14
Sounds of Intent is a website of in-depth guidelines for children's achievements in engaging with music or sound.


Gierach, Jill
Assessing students’ needs for assistive technology (ASNAT): A resource manual for school district teams (5th ed)
Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative, 2009
(Accessed: 05/12/2016)
Assistive Technology Checklist: http://www.wati.org/content/supports/free/pdf/form/Checklist-Form.pdf

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
VI technology assessment resources
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
(Accessed: 05/12/2016)
Links to a range of forms, checklists, guidelines and products.

Willings, Carmen
Assistive technology
Teaching Students with Visual Impairments
(Accessed 05/12/2016)
A series of articles on use of a computer and specialist technology available for students with sight problems.