These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

The materials on this list are available from

Inclusive Curriculum (VI)


Ainscow, Mel
Understanding the development of inclusive schools
Falmer Press, 1999
ISBN 0750707348
Series: Studies in inclusive education A source of ideas about how schools and classrooms can become more inclusive.
SEN: Education

Arter, Christine ... [et al]
Children with visual impairment in mainstream settings
David Fulton, 1999
ISBN 1853465836
VI: Education

Attwood, Alison
Visual impairment support in Finland: an inclusive approach (mainstream setting)
North Lanarkshire Council, [2001]
Report of a visit by two specialist teachers from North Lanarkshire Council to schools in Finland.
VI: Education

Axel, Elisabeth Salzhauer& Levent, Nina Sobol
Art beyond sight: a resource guide to art, creativity and visual impairment
Art Education for the Blind & AFB, 2003
ISBN 0891288503
A guide to art for people who are visually impaired including creating art, making traditional artworks accessible in museums, etc, and teaching art history.
VI: Education

Blamires, Mike
Enabling technology for inclusion
Paul Chapman, 1999
ISBN 1853963941
Updates the debate on inclusive education, enabling technology for learning, and innovative thinking about social, physical and cognitive inclusion.
SEN: Technology

Calvert, Jennifer & Gargan, Sherry
Elaborated 5-14 curriculum and associated programmes of study
James McFarlane School, n.d.
This pack offers a curriculum framework, together with associated programmes of study, designed to meet the needs of pupils who have severe, profound and complex learning difficulties.  Adapted from the national 5-14 curriculum and "Support for Learning" 3(5)
SEN: Education

Chapman, Elizabeth K & Stone, Juliet M
Visually handicapped child in your classroom
Cassell, 1988
ISBN 0304314005
Series: Special needs in ordinary schools Information for teachers on the causes, development & effects of visual handicap, the support provided by advisory services & the management of the classroom environment.
VI: Education

Clough, Peter
Managing inclusive education: from policy to experience
Paul Chapman, 1998
ISBN 1853963933
The transition from the special and segregated practices of twenty years ago through the more integrated developments of the 1980's, towards a much wider discourse about inclusive education.  Discusses the emerging practices.
SEN: Education

Clough Peter & Corbett, Jenny
Theories of inclusive education: a students' guide
Paul Chapman, 2000
ISBN 0761969411
Traces the major stages of thinking in the development of inclusive education.  Concentrates on personal reflections by a number of key contributors to this field.
SEN: Education

Committee on Special Educational Needs
Curriculum design for the secondary stages: the addressing of special educational needs
SCCC, 1992
ISBN 1871707722
SEN: Education

Corke, Margaret
Approaches to communication through music
David Fulton, 2002
ISBN 1853468436
One of the ways forward when working with those who have little or no speech, or limited comprehension of language, is to use music.  This is a practical guide that contains lots of ideas and original activities for the specialist and non-specialist alike.
Gen: Communication

COSPEN & Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum
Aspects of provision for the education of pupils with visual impairment
ISBN 0946584273
This report looks at aspects of provision for the education of pupils with visual impairment, focussing on assessment, the curriculum, resources and personal and vocational guidance.
VI: Education

Csocsàn, Emmy; Klingenberg, Oliv; Koskinen, Kajsa-Lena; Sjöstedt, Solveig
Maths "seen" with other eyes: a blind child in the classroom: teacher's guide to mathematics
Ekenas Tryckeri Aktiebolag, 2002
ISBN 9515013003
Concentrates on primary school level maths for children with visual impairments. 
VI: Education

Cunningham, Sherry
Classroom strategies and improvised resources for children who are blind in the primary school setting
RVIB, 1995
VI: Education

Davis, Pauline
Including children with visual impairment in mainstream schools: a practical guide
David Fulton, 2003
ISBN 1853469149
Uses detailed case studies of inclusion in 4 primary schools. 
VI: Education

Dawkins, Jasmine
Models of mainstreaming for visually impaired pupils: studies of current practice with guidelines for service development
HMSO, 1991
ISBN 0117015563
Examines, through studies of LEA services &  individual blind & partially sighted pupils,  the wide range of issues relating to the education of VI children, including curriculum, communication needs & inservice training.
VI: Education

Etheridge, David T & Mason, Heather
Visually impaired: curricular access and entitlement in further education
David Fulton, 1994
ISBN 1853462489
Concentrates on practical aspects of visually impaired people taking up further education such as accessibilty of the course, transition issues, support services and rehabilitation.
VI: Education

Fetton, Eamonn & Bunting, Judy
Case for change: improving the range and quality of educational opportunities for visually impaired children in Northern Ireland
RNIB, 1996
ISBN 1858780985
VI: Education

Gross, Jean
Special educational needs in the primary school : a practical guide (2nd ed)
Open University Press, 1996
ISBN 033519656X
SEN: Education

Kelley, Pat & Gale, Gillian
Towards excellence: effective education for students with vision impairments
Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (Australia)/ North Rocks, 1998
ISBN 0949050083
VI: Education

Meek, Moira
Read on: Braille materials for the 5-14 curriculum
Scottish Office, 1997
ISBN 1858781337
VI: Braille & Tactile Communication

Rhyne, Jane Milnes
Curriculum for teaching the visually impaired
Charles C Thomas, 1981
ISBN 039804161X
This teaching manual provides special educators and regular classroom teachers with the information needed to teach regular curricular areas as well as specialised skills to visually impaired students.
VI: Education

Royal Blind School, Edinburgh
Cultural development of our 3 nations delivered through the expressive arts curriculum
Royal Blind School, Edinburgh, [2001]
Comenius action 1: European Education project. Royal Blind School, Edinburgh reports on the project which provided cultural exchanges between Scotland, Germany and the Czech Republic.  Collaboration with Landesschule für Blinde und Sehbehinderte, Neukloster, Germany and Gymnazium Pro ZPM, Praha, Czech Republic
VI: Education

Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum
Support for learning: Special Educational Needs within the 5-14 curriculum: Part 1: Sharing ideas; Part 2: Providing support; Part 3: Developing the 5-14 curriculum for pupils with SEN
SCCC, [1995]
A4 ring-binder.  One full copy in reference collection, 2 copies of Part 3 for loan, 1 copy of Part 3 No 2 (Visual Impairment) for loan.
SEN: Education

Scottish Executive
Implementing inclusiveness, realising potential (Beattie Committee report)
Scottish Executive, 1999
SEN: Education

Scottish Office.  Education and Industry Department
Manual of good practice in special educational needs
Scottish Office
SEN: Education

Spungin, Susan Jay
Competency based curriculum for teachers of the visually handicapped: a national study
AFB, 1977
ISBN 0891280774
Test of teachers ability to demonstrate knowledge of and competency in various areas including curriculum selection &  research and programme administration.
VI: Education

Tilstone, Christina; Florian, Lani; Rose, Richard
Promoting inclusive practice
Routledge Falmer, 1998
ISBN 0415180678
Looks at how inclusion can be achieved by examining the various parts of the educational process.  The book discusses the practicalities, the gap between inclusive policy and practice, the role of special schools and how inclusion develops beyond the classroom.
SEN: Education

Tilstone, Christina & Rose, Richard (Eds)
Strategies to promote inclusive practice
Routledge Falmer, 2003
ISBN 041525485X
A companion text to "Promoting inclusive practice", this book considers the development of policy to promote inclusive education.
SEN: Education


Curriculum Close-up (RNIB)
1999 -
Copies freely available from RNIB.  Telephone 0870 042 9554.
VI: Education


International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI)
New visions: moving toward an inclusive community: proceedings of the 11th World Conference held on 27 July - 2 August 2002 in the Netherlands
ICEVI, 2002
50th Anniversary Conference held in Leewenhorst Congress Centre, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands.  Papers issued in electronic format on CD-ROM. Index of papers printout on shelf.
VI: Education

Connell, Tim
Inclusive learning and the special curriculum in post 16 education for visually impaired people
ICEVI, 1997
10th International Council for the Education of the Visually Impaired (ICEVI) World Conference, 3 - 10 August 1997, Sao Paulo, Brazil Section O -  Adults: cognitive, self esteem, MDVI
VI: Education


Corn, Anne L ... [et al]
Developing the National Agenda for the education of children and youths with visual impairments, including those with multiple disabilities
RE:view, Spr 1996, Vol 28 (1) p5-17

Erin, J N & Corn, A L
Survey of children’s first understanding of being visually impaired
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, Mar 1994, Vol 88 (2), p132-9

Evans, Gareth; Painter, Chris; Blenkhorn, Paul
Why is technology important in an inclusive setting?
Visability, Summer 2001, No 32, p19-20

Hatlen, Phil
The core curriculum for blind and visually impaired students, including those with additional disabilities
RE:view, Spring 1996, Vol 28 (1) p25-32

Hindle, Pam
Independence training within the mainstream curriculum
Insight, Jan/Feb 2006, No 1, p19-22
Outlines practical support strategies used to encourage independence skills with pupils in Key Stages 1-4.

Stanton, Marion
Differentiating the curriculum for chldren with complex needs
Eye Contact, Summer 2005, Issue 42, p33-35
Methods for including children with complex needs in the curriculum.

Sweeting, Julie
Planning the daily mathematics lesson
Visability, Spring 2005, No 43, p5-7
Describes the "Three wave approach" of the National Numeracy strategy and how it can help meet the needs of children with visual impairments in the daily maths lesson.

Transition and Employment for VI Students


Cain Sally & Loebl, Ruth
See to IT at work: blind and partially sighted people accessing technology: a practical handbook for employers
London: RNIB, 2004
Aimed at employers to ensure that they are providing accessible technology for their visually impaired employees.

Children in Scotland
Your future needs assessment
Edinburgh: Children in Scotland, 1997

Everett, Dominic; Ravenscroft, John; Spowart, Katherine
Moving through: what parent/carers should know about the educational transition process for visually impaired young people in Scotland
Edinburgh: VI Scotland, 2005
ISBN 0954608127
A guide to the transitions that a visually impaired child will make from joining nursery through to leaving school for tertiary education and work.

Family Fund Trust
After 16: what's new? Choices and challenges for young disabled people
York: Family Fund Trust, 2001
Directory and helpbook for young people with disabilities regarding future plans, education, employment, social activities, etc.

Family Fund Trust
Your life, your future
York: Family Fund Trust, 2001
Booklet aimed at disabled young people (aged 13+) to help empower them to take control of their future plans, education, employment, social activities, etc.

Garner, Karen; Dale, Mark; Garner, Shirley
Education, employment and rehabilitation for visually impaired adults: a survey of recent research
London: RNIB, [1997]
A guide to the literature on post 16 education, rehabilitation and employment for people with a visual impairment published between 1990 and August 1997.

Kendrick, Deborah
Business owners who are blind or visually impaired
New York: AFB, 2000
Series: Jobs that matter

Kendrick, Deborah
Jobs to be proud of: profiles of workers who are blind or visually impaired
New York: AFB, 1993
Case studies of people who have a visual impairment and are successfully employed in a variety of jobs.

Kendrick, Deborah
Teachers who are blind or visually impaired
New York: AFB, 1998
Series: Jobs that matter

Lomas, Graham M
Insights: services for visually impaired people in Scotland
London: RNIB, 2000
Provides an overview of visual impairment in Scottish communities and the services available.

Mason, Heather & McCall, Stephen (Eds)
Visual impairment: access to education for children and young people
London: David Fulton, 1997
A comprehensive guide including medical issues, education, curriculum, transition and multiple disabilities.

Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Future vision: a discussion paper: proposals for a national framework for the identification, assessment and rehabilitation of visually impaired people
London: RNIB, 1998
Guidelines for social care services for visually impaired people.

Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Work matters: enabling blind and partially sighted people to gain and retain employment
London: RNIB, 2002
This report urges the government, RNIB and other players to bring all their determination and effort to work to improve employment opportunities for blind and partially sighted people.

Simkiss, Philippa
Constructing an employment continuum: creating jobs by promoting social enterprise
London: RNIB, 2003
Advice for policy-makers on approaches to creating sustained employment opportunities for disabled people, focusing on people with visual impairments.

Simkiss, Philippa; Garner, Shirley; Dryden, Gordon
What next? the experience of transition: visually impaired students, their education and preparation
London: RNIB, 1998
A report from a survey about employment and visually impaired people and looks at the factors involved in gaining and retaining employment.

Winyard, Steve
Blind in Britain: the employment challenge
London: RNIB, 1996
A short report on the situation of employment for people with visual impairments around the time of the DDA coming into effect. Campaign report 1


Connell Tim
Inclusive learning and the special curriculum in post-16 education for visually impaired people
ICEVI, 1997
10th International Council for the Education of the Visually Impaired (ICEVI) World Conference, 3 - 10 August 1997, Sao Paulo, Brazil Section O - Adults: cognitive, self esteem, MDVI