The materials on this list are available from
- the SSC Library.
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Bibliography - VI Specialist Technology: Using technology to access the curriculum
2006 AccessWorld guide to assistive technology products
AFB, 2006
ISBN: 0891288155
List of technology used by visual impairments with technical specifications.
Agélii, Margareta & Rönnbäck, Anders
Teaching Braille to beginners by using a computer
Tomteboda Resource Centre, 1998
TRC Report No 17, ISSN: 1103-5080, ISRN TRC-R--17--SE
Baldewijns, Jeroen
Vision on assistive technology: a guide for the blind
and visually impaired and their assistants
Vlicht, 1997
Blamires, Mike
Enabling technology for inclusion
Paul Chapman, 1999
ISBN: 1853963941 1853964360
Updates the debate on inclusive education, enabling technology for learning,
and innovative thinking about social, physical and cognitive inclusion.
Brennan, Mary & Busby, Geoff
Enhancing access to library based ICT services for visually
impaired people 4
Library and Information Commission, 2000
ISBN: 1902394364
Library and Information Commission Research Report 65, STV/LIC Programme
Report 4 Includes Basic Principles of ICT for those who are deaf or have
difficulty with hearing, and those who have physical learning disabilities
Brophy, Peter & Craven, Jenny
Integrated accessible library: a model of service
development for the 21st century: the final report of the REVIEL (Resources
for Visually Impaired Users of the Electronic Library) Project
CERLIM, 1999
ISBN: 0953534316
British Library Research and Innovation report 168
Burger, Dominique (ed)
New technologies in the education of the visually handicapped = Les novelles technologies dans l'éducation des déficients
Editions John Libbey Eurotext, 1996
ISBN: 2742001271
Proceedings of the conference held in Paris, 10-11 June 1996. Colloque
INSERM; Vol 237
Cain, Sally & Loebl, Ruth
See to IT at work: blind and partially sighted people
accessing technology: a practical handbook for employers
RNIB, 2004
ISBN: 1858786428
Aimed at employers to ensure that they are providing accessible technology
for their visually impaired employees.
Carey, Kevin
Joined up citizenship: a report for the DTI on improving
access to information and communication technologies for people with
RNIB, 2000
ISBN: 185878395X
Discusses accessibility issues in relation to information and communication
technology (ICT).
Carey, Kevin & Brophy, Peter
Enhancing access to library based ICT services for visually
impaired people 1
Library and Information Commission, 2000
ISBN: 190239433X
Series: Library and Information Commission Research Report 62, STV/LIC
Programme Report 1 Includes Final Report, Impact of emerging technologies
on library Services for blind and visually impaired people and Structural
options for the delivery of a comprehensive library service (REVIEL,
STV, RNIB and the NLB)
Foundation for Communication for the Disabled
Information technology for people with a visual impairment: a guide to screen magnification, speech output, scanning and
other aspects of computing for people with low vision
Foundation for Communication for the Disabled, 1995
Gill, John
Access to graphical user interfaces by blind people
GUIB Consortium, 1993
ISBN: 1858780047
Gill, John
Keeping step? Scientific and technological research
for visually impaired people
RNIB, 2001
ISBN: 186048025X
Hammarlund, Jenny
Computer play for children who are severely visually impaired: using an alternative keyboard with tactile overlays: some
Tomteboda Resource Centre, 1999
TRC Report No 20, ISSN: 1103-5080, ISRN TRC-R--20--SE
McKeown, Sally
Unlocking potential: how ICT can support children
with special needs
Questions, 2000
ISBN: 1841900419
Morley, Sarah
Window concepts: an introductory guide for visually
disabled users
GUIB Consortium, 1995
ISBN: 1858780675
Available in book and audiotape (2 part) version.
Petrie, Helen; O'Neill, Anne-Marie; Carey, Kevin
Enhancing access to library based ICT services for visually
impaired people 2
Library and Information Commission, 2000
ISBN: 1902394348
Includes Literature search on access by blind to ICT, Principles for
defining optimisation in customised ICT systems, Access to web-based
OPACs in the light of WAI. Library and Information Commission Research
Report 63, STV/LIC Programme Report 2
Ravenscroft, John
Modifying the Windows environment for visually impaired computer
Scottish Sensory Centre, 2000
Ravenscroft, John & Tornado Labs
Enhancing access to library based ICT services for visually
impaired people 3
Library and Information Commission, 2000
ISBN: 1902394356
Includes advice on the optimal customisation of the graphical user interface
Library and Information Commission Research Report 64, STV/LIC Programme
Report 3
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Accessing technology: using technology to support
the learning and employment opportunities for visually impaired users
RNIB, 2001
ISBN: 1858785170
Revised update of "Access Technology" RN 1497.
- Website:
- Website
- Website
- Website
- Website
- Website
- Website
- Website
- Website
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Developing communication: using switches and simple
voice output communication aids to promote early communication skills
in children with a visual impairment and additional disabilities
RNIB / VITAL, 2002
8 page supplement to Eye contact covers use of switches etc.
Technologie et Société (Tecso)
Listening to the Internet: training kit for users
who are blind or visually impaired
Tecso/RNIB, 1999
ISBN: 2922576035
Includes CD-ROM, audio cassette, user's manual in print and Braille and
tactile guide
Mason, Heather L
Using IT to support visually impaired learners
University of Birmingham, 1995
4 books & 2 videos.
Moray House Institute of Education
IT the VI way
Moray House Institute of Education, 1994
Made at the Royal Blind School Edinburgh. Demonstrates the ways
that technology can assist VI students and the equipment available at
the time. Duration 21 minutes.
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Leading the way: information and communications technology
in the education of visually impaired children
RNIB, 1998
ISBN: 1858781388
Duration 25 mins
Web Accessibility Initiative
Websites that work!
RNIB, 2000
Made in association with RNIB, Sensory Disabilities Research Unit (Univ.
of Hertfordshire) and Pacifica Films. Duration: 15 minutes
Scottish Sensory Centre
Video for visually impaired learners 2: making television,
video, multimedia, and the image rich Internet work for blind or partially
sighted pupils and students
SSC, 2000
A guide for teachers, students, designers of educational materials and
programme producers. Now includes case studies. Replaces
the first CD-ROM.
Danger & opportunity: special issue on technological issues
for 1990s
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Dec 1990,
Vol 84(10) Whole issue
Focus on: Technology
Visability Summer 2001, No 32, Whole issue
Aldrich, Frances K & Parkin, Alan J
Listening at speed
British Journal of Visual Impairment Spring 1989,
Vol 7 (1), p16-18
For visually impaired people who use audio recordings to study can benefit
from speeding up the recording to reduce the time it takes to listen
to the information. Technological applications and comprehension
of the resulting recordings are discussed.
Allen, Tony
Technology in schools
Visability Spring 1998, No 22, p7-9
Blenkhorn, Paul; Pettit, Stephen; Evans, Gareth
Multi-lingual input to a personal computer using a modified Perkins
British Journal of Visual Impairment January 2001,
Vol 19 (1), p17-19
Brown, Norman
The CCTV microscope and its uses
Visability Spring 2001, No 31, p9-11
Buultjens, Marianna & Todd, Neil
Technology for transition
Visability Summer 1999, No 26, p29-32
Explores how technology can smooth the path of transition from primary
to secondary school. Includes case studies.
Carey, Kevin
Bridging the widening gap
New Beacon July/August 2003, Vol 87 (1021), p26-29
Cavanagh, Jean
Touch-typing: raising literacy standards and much more....
Visability Autumn 1998, No 24, p18-21
Describes a successul project to teach visually impaired children to
Churchward, Jane
Inclusion and independence in the classroom (adaptive software)
Visability Summer 2001, No 32, p11-13
Craig, Jane
Supporting Arman in the mainstream classroom
Eye Contact Summer 2004, No 39, p27-28
Using an Intellikeys overlay keyboard with a student who has a cortical
visual impairment and cerebral palsy.
Cuthbertson, Jamie
"If I can't read it, I can't learn it" a DAISY pilot
Insight May/June 2006, No 3, p36-39
Report on a pilot project to test out DAISY technology in educational
Douglas, Graeme ... [et al]
Comparison between reading from paper and computer screen by children
with a visual impairment
British Journal of Visual Impairment January 2001,
Vol 19 (1), p29-34
Evans, Gareth; Painter, Chris; Blenkhorn , Paul
CAMI Corner
Eye Contact Spring 2001, No 29, p17-18
Evans, Gareth; Painter, Chris; Blenkhorn , Paul
Why is technology important in an inclusive setting?
Visability Summer 2001, No 32, p19-20
Farnsworth, Adrian
Whiteboard access
Insight Sept/Oct 2008, No 17, p10-12
Outlines strategies for improving the accessibility of whiteboards for
children with visual impairments.
Farnworth, Adrian & Lumley, Peter
Tactile graphics: their production and interpretation
Visability Summer 2001, No 32, p13-16
Garaj, V ... [et al]
System for remote sighted guidance of visually impaired pedestrians
British Journal of Visual Impairment May 2003, Vol
21 (2), p55-63
Griffiths, Steve
What is access technology?
Visability Spring 1998, No 22, p35-36
Hale, Gregory
Technical assessment of software usability with reference to screen
readers for the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
British Journal of Visual Impairment January 2000,
Vol 18 (1), p29-33
Looks at assistive technology and how it copes with graphical user interfaces
such as Windows as opposed to character based interfaces such as DOS.
Hardisty, Jon
Hide and seek: finding accessible electronic books for blind and
partially sighted children
Insight Sept/Oct 2008, No 17, p20-22
Discusses the issues surrounding electronic books for visually impaired
Hubbard, Linda
Touch typing for tinies! an update
Insight Sept/Oct 2008, No 17, p23-24
An update on the progress of pupils who were introduced to touch typing
from 4 years old. Original article: Insight No 4, p42-44.
Ireland, Lorraine
A need to have - not nice to have
Visability Spring 1998, No 22, p17-18
Jansson, Gunnar; Juhasz, Imre; Cammilton, Arina
Reading virtual maps with a haptic mouse: effects of some modifications
of the tactile and audio-tactile information
British Journal of Visual Impairment May 2006, Vol
24 (2), p60-66
Describes experiments with a haptic mouse to aid reading virtual maps.
Jehoel, Sandra; McCallum, Don; Rowell, Jonathan; Ungar, Simon
Empirical approach on the design of tactile maps and diagrams:
the cognitive tactualisation approach
British Journal of Visual Impairment May 2006, Vol
24 (2), p67-75
Describes three studies into design issues surrounding tactile map-making.
Jennings, Julie
ICT in the early years
Insight Sept/Oct 2008, No 17, p25-26
Discusses the place of ICT in the early years.
Jones, Tim & Jain, Juliet
Examining the experiences of sight-impaired travellers: the next
station stop
British Journal of Visual Impairment Sept 2006, Vol
24 (3), p141-144
Looks at barriers to accessibility for visually impaired travellers in
UK train stations.
Kahlon, Gurjit
Learning platforms: opportunities for all?
Insight Sept/Oct 2008, No 17, p13-15
Learning platforms (generic term for a range of web-based applications:
e-mail, webpages, message boards, web conferencing etc) are explored
for accessibility for children with visual impairments.
Keogh, Bernadette & Marchand, Gillian
Technology: a school assessment
Visability Summer 2001, No 32, p8-10
Lumley, Peter
Braille, buns and stink bombs
Insight Jul/Aug 2007, No 10, p20-22
Follow-up on a young girl making progress with Braille and beginning
to use a computer.
Major, Anne & Price, Cheryl
Technology: the pupil viewpoint
Visability Summer 2001, No 32, p5-7
McGhie, Catherine
Changing times
Visability Spring 1998, No 22, p32-34
McKeown, Sally
Technology: is it all it’s cracked up to be?
Eye Contact Summer 2001, No 30, p36-37
Papadopoulos, Konstantinos S & Goudiras, Dimitrios B
Accessibility assistance for visually-impaired people in digital
British Journal of Visual Impairment May 2005, Vol
23 (2), p75-83
Looks at how effectively visually impaired children handle electronic
Parkes, Don
Tactile audio tools for graphicacy and mobility “A
circle is either a circle or it is not a circle’’
British Journal of Visual Impairment September 1998,
Vol 16 (3), p99-104
Petrie, Helen ... [et al]
MoBIC: an aid to increase the independent mobility of blind travellers
British Journal of Visual Impairment May 1997, Vol
15 (2), p63-66
Describes a system of electronic aids to assist mobility for people who
are visually impaired from planning a journey through to arriving at
their destination.
Risdon, James
Moving music
Insight Sept/Oct 2008, No 17, p18-19
Technology which enables young people who are visually impaired to explore
independent music making.
Sales, Anthony; Evans, Shirley; Musgrove, Nick; Homfray, Richard
Full-screen magnification on a budget: using a hardware-based multi-display
graphics card as a screen magnifier
British Journal of Visual Impairment Sept 2006, Vol
24 (3), p135-140
Use of generally available technology to provide screen magnifiers in
Spong, Andy
Searching the internet using Jaws
Insight May/June 2006, No 3, p21-24
Explores using Wikipedia with students who are visually impaired.
Thompson, Robert & Smeaton, John
Student success with palmtop computers
Visability Summer 2001, No 32, p21-22
Tobin, Michael J & Hill, Eileen
Ataxia Telangiectasia, visual disability, and the role of information
and communication technology
Visability Autumn 1998, No 24, p35-37
Looks at the possibilities for using technology to help children with
Ataxia Telangiectasia.
Wadell, Lesley
Access technology
Visability Summer 2001, No 32, p17-18
Walter, Richard
Using ICT to develop literacy skills with students who have complex
learning difficulties
Eye Contact Spring 2005, No 41, p5-7
Using technology to access learning for children who have a variety of
disabilities including sensory impairments.
Wells, Pete
"Horrible" stories for teenagers
Insight Mar/Apr 2006, No 2, p36-38
Using sensory stories and technology to encourage literacy in children
who have multiple disabilities.
Whitney, Gill
Orientation devices
Visability Autumn 1997, No 21, p27-28
Description of recent technical developments to help visually impaired
people find features within their environments for improved mobility.
Wilson, Claire; Whittle, Tom; Williamson, Nick
Moon for the twenty-first century
New Beacon February 2001, Vol 85 (994), p32-36