These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

The materials on this list are available from

Bibliography - Teaching Mathematics and Science to Children with Visual Impairment


Aherne, Pam & Thornber, Ann
Mathematics for all: an interactive approach within level 1
David Fulton, 1990
ISBN: 1853461660
Provides a framework for the route of access to Key Stage 1 Mathematics for all pupils including those with profound or multiple learning difficulties.

Braille Authority of the United Kingdom. Mathematics committee
Braille mathematics notation
RNIB, 1987
A full guide to the use of the mathematics notation for Braille.

Csocsàn, Emmy; Klingenberg, Oliv; Koskinen, Kajsa-Lena; Sjöstedt, Solveig
Maths "seen" with other eyes: a blind child in the classroom: teacher's guide to mathematics
Ekenas Tryckeri Aktiebolag, 2002
ISBN: 9515013003
Concentrates on primary school level maths for children with visual impairments. 

Danielson, Ena
Mathematics in Braille: a reference book for teachers and students
RVIB, 1991
ISBN: 094939002X
RVIB Burwood Educational Series No 3.

Fletcher, R C
Teaching of science and mathematics to the blind: with section on raised diagrams
Richard Jones, 1973
A report to the Viscount Nuffield Auxilliary fund.

Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Numeracy for all
RNIB, 2000
Leaflet outlining the RNIB's strategy for promoting numeracy amongst children who are visually impaired.

Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)
Using the Braille mathematics code
RNIB, 2007
ISBN: 9781858786643
Written for teachers this booklet covers the braille needed for maths topics and conventions up to GCSE level.

Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)
Using the Braille science code
RNIB, 2008
ISBN: 9781858788203
Written for teachers this booklet covers the braille needed for science topics and conventions up to GCSE level.

Scottish Mathematics Group (VI)
Adaptations for the teaching and examination of mathematics for visually impaired and blind students
Scottish Mathematics Group (VI), 1998
Recommends adaptations to be used, including use of tactile diagrams, solid objects and specialist equipment.

Sharp, Brian
Meeting SEN in the curriculum: maths
David Fulton, 2004
ISBN: 1843121581
Series combines SEN expertise with subject knowledge to produce practical and immediate support. Accompanied by a CD-ROM.

Southall, Peter ... [et al]
Simplified version of Braille Mathematics notation
Dorton House, nd
A simplified version for primary and lower secondary level mathematics. Includes many examples.

Staves, Les
Mathematics for children with severe and profound learning difficulties
David Fulton, 2001
ISBN: 1853466956
Looks at mathematical learning, examining how children develop knowledge, skills and processes they require to move towards numeracy. Should be useful to any teachers dealing with mathematics and numeracy. 

Womack, David
Developing mathematical and scientific thinking in young children
Cassell, 1988
ISBN: 0304313971
A general look at developing mathematical concepts with children who have a variety of special needs Series: Special needs in ordinary schools



Argyropoulos, Vassilios S
Tactual shape perception in relation to the understanding of geometrical concepts by blind students
British Journal of Visual Impairment January 2002, Vol 20 (1), p7-16
Explores the perception and cognition of shapes by visually impaired people.

Armstrong, Jenni ... [et al]
Maths games
VisabilitySpring 2005, No 43, p15-16
Ideas for adapting games to reinforce mathematics learning.

Arnold, Alison
In touch with numeracy? Adapting to the National Numeracy Strategy to include children with severe visual impairment
Visability Summer 2000, No 29, p8-11
Specialist teaching and adaptation of curriculum materials for pupils with a visual impairment in a mainstream classroom.

Birtle, Alison
Maths lessons with Nina
Visability Spring 2005, No 43, p8-10
Teaching maths to a child with Leber's Amaurosis and additional learning difficulties.

Clamp, Sue
Producing mathematics GCSE examination papers in large print and Braille
Visability Spring 2005, No 43, p11-14
Adapting mathematics examination papers for children who require large print, modified large print and Braille.

Clamp, Sue & Snee, Paul
Equipped for access
Visability Spring 1995, No 13, p21
Looks at equipment which will help visually impaired children to learn mathematics.

Horner, Vicki
Success with maths
Insight Sep/Oct 2009, No 23, p39
Using the 'Stern Maths' teaching system with two visually impaired pupils.  The system provides a concrete format for developing numeracy concepts.

in 'te Veld, Dorine
Promoting inclusion in mathematics and science in mainstream education
The Educator Jul 2010, Vol XXIII (1), p34-38
Following national programmes to promote maths and science learning in the Netherlands, teachers of visually impaired children want to make sure their children can take equal part.

Jayapal, Miren
New beginnings
Insight Jan/Feb 2008, No 13, p20-21
Newly qualified maths teacher learns to cope with a visually impaired pupil in one of his first classes.

McCall, Steve
Adding skills after leaving school
Insight May/Jun 2010, No 27, p22-24
Looks at adult education opportunities for visually impaired young people who discover they need better numeracy skills for employment.

McDonald, Suzy & Spybey, David
Mathematics for visually impaired students: Learning, teaching, supporting and managing
Visability Summer 2000, No 29, p5-7
A review of a focus day held to discuss ideas, issues, strategies and projects to help in teaching mathematics to children with visual impairments.

Spybey, David
Maths resources: thoughts from a secondary school mathematics teacher
Visability Spring 2005, No 43, p17-18
Looks at the equipment available for assisting visually impaired children to learn Maths.

Sweeting, Julie
Planning the daily mathematics lesson
Visability Spring 2005, No 43, p5-7
Describes the "Three wave approach" of the National Numeracy strategy and how it can help meet the needs of children with visual impairments in the daily maths lesson.

Valera, Mary
Teaching mathematics: mainstream classteachers' FAQs (most frequently asked questions)
The Educator Jul 2010, Vol XXIII (1), p39-41
Tips in the form of a FAQ from a teacher in Peru.

Wall, Karl
Learning maths ... learning habilitation skills
Insight May/Jun 2010, No 27, p10-12
Discusses how maths skills are linked with learning independence skills.

Wedderburn, Sarah
Trouble with numbers
Insight May/Jun 2010, No 27, p14-17
Sarah specialises in helping children with dyscalculia.  Specialist teachers comment on applying her techniques with VI children

Wilson, Claire
Numeracy resources for Moon users