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Bibliography - Play & Communication for Children with Visual Impairment and Additional Support Needs
BooksBennett, Neville; Wood, Liz; Rogers, Sue
Teaching through play: teachers' thinking and classroom
Open University Press, 1997
ISBN: 0335197329
Clunies-Ross, Louise ... [et al]
Look and touch: play activities and toys for children
with visual impairment
RNIB, 1987
Focuses on different play activities, describing how children of different
ages & with various eye conditions can be encouraged to develop through
play. Includes info on specialist & non-specialist toys useful for
VI children.
Coleman, Mike
Play it right: creating and adapting toys and games
for children who are visually impaired and have additional disabilities
RNIB, 2001
ISBN: 1858783941
How to turn everyday objects and toys into playthings for children with
MDVI; cheaply, easily and with no special skills.
Hammarlund, Jenny
Computer play for children who are severely visually impaired: using an alternative keyboard with tactile overlays: some guidelines
Tomteboda Resource Centre, 1999
TRC Report No 20, ISSN: 1103-5080, ISRN TRC-R--20--SE
Haughton, Liz & Mackevicius, Sandie
I'm posting the pebbles: active learning through play
for children who are blind or vision impaired
RVIB, 2001
ISBN: 0949390585
Different types of play & activities are examined and suggested for good
learning opportunities for children who have visual impairments.
Haughton, Liz & Mackevicius, Sandie
Little steps to learning: play in the home for children
who are blind or vision impaired
RVIB, 2004
ISBN: 0949390615
This book explores active learning through everyday play for children from
0-3 years who have a visual impairment.
Jeffree, Dorothy M; McConkey, Roy; Hewson, Simon
Let me play
Souvenir Press, 1977
ISBN: 0285648357
Series: Human Horizons series
Kiernan, Chris; Jordan, Rita; Saunders, Chris
Starting off : Establishing play and communication in
handicapped child
Souvenir Press, 1978
ISBN: 0285648519
Lear, Roma
Look at it this way: toys and activities for children
with a visual impairment
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998
ISBN: 0750638958
Series: Play can help
Lear, Roma
Play helps: toys and activities for children with special
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996
ISBN: 0750625228
Sourcebook of ideas for toys for children with special needs
Lee, Mary & MacWilliam, Lindi
Learning together: a creative approach to learning for
children with multiple disabilities and a visual impairment
RNIB, 2002
ISBN: 1858785316
How to create an active learning environment for children with MDVI. This
book explains and illustrates methods that have been developed over many
years, with children of all ages, at the Royal Blind School, Edinburgh.
Lieberman, Lauren J & Cowart, Jim F
Games for people with sensory impairments: strategies
for including individuals of all ages
Human Kinetics, 1996
ISBN: 0873228901
Describes 70 games that people with sensory impairments can play.
Longhorn, Flo
Pre-requisites to learning for very special people
ORCA Computers, 1993
ISBN: 190023100X
Examines skills such as social and emotional competence, communication,
play and coordination in the context of the National Curriculum for children
with severe and multiple disabilities.
Loumiet, Robin & Levack, Nancy
Independent living: a curriculum with adaptations for
students with visual impairments: Volume III: Play and leisure (2nd ed)
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 1993
ISBN: 1880366037 1880366002 (set)
Part of three volumes concentrating on daily living, social skills and
play & leisure.
McMahon, Linnet
Handbook of play therapy
Routledge, 1992
ISBN: 0415059860
Introduction to the theory and practice of play therapy.
McPhail, Pete
Soundbeam in special education: movement into music
Soundabout, [2003]
Soundbeam is a musical instrument which can be played by children with
special needs through use of movement in space from very minimal such as eye
movements through to dancing. This book allows teachers to get the most
from their equipment.
Moyles, Janet R
Excellence of play
Open University Press, 1994
ISBN: 0335190685
Ockelford, Adam
Objects of reference: promoting early symbolic communication
(3rd ed)
RNIB, 2002
ISBN: 1858785294
Promoting concept development and communication skills with visually impaired
children who have learning difficulties.
Orr, Robert
My right to play: a child with complex needs
Open University Press, 2003
ISBN: 0335211704
Series: Debating play
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Play it my way: learning through play with your visually
impaired child
HMSO, 1995
ISBN: 0117016764
Contains a wealth of ideas for carers bringing up a VI child with multiple
disabilities, teachers, etc. The ideas, toys and materials have
all been used successfully in the home.
Royal National Institute for the Blind & VITAL
Approaches to working with children with multiple disabilities
and a visual impairment
RNIB / VITAL, 1998
ISBN: 1858781469
The pack was put together by a group of professionals from the VITAL curriculum
group in response to requests for information about specialist strategies
and techniques for working with multi-disabled visually impaired children.
Includes chapters on Communication, Sensory Stimulation, Environmental Clues
and a Meaningful Curriculum.
Play talks: fun ideas to promote communication through
Scope, 2004
ISBN: 094682892X
This pack as been designed to offer help to parents/carers and professionals
to find practical ways for a young child with movement difficulties to communicate
through play.
Sheridan, Margaret K; Foley, Gilbert M; Radlinkski, Sara H
Using the supportive play model: individualized intervention
in early childhood practice
Teachers College Press, 1995
ISBN: 0807734225
Wainer, Hilary; Stormont, Bobbie; Marks, Christine
TAC PAC: communication through touch
"Tactile approach to communication" Set of audio CDs, Activity cards
and manual.
Information Exchange
Magazine about helping children with multiple disabilities including making
suitable playthings and environments. 3 issues per year.
Lee, Mary & MacWilliam, Lindi
Movement, gesture and sign: an interactive approach to sign
communication for children who are visually impaired with additional disabilities
Moray House Institute of Education, 1996
Describes an approach to communication developed by staff at Royal Blind
School, Edinburgh. Illustrates how a child can develop skills in movement
sessions & gradually acquire a sign system specially adapted for VI children.
Nielsen, Lilli
Lilli plays with Natalie
Moray House ETV, 1991
Video with Dr Lilli Nielsen. OU Education Enterprise Module 23. Duration
40 minutes.
Nielsen, Lilli
Lilli plays with William
Moray House ETV, 1991
Video with Dr Lilli Nielsen. A demonstration of parts of the approach
of 'active learning'. Duration 50 minutes.
Focus on Play
Eye Contact Spring 1998, No 20 (Whole issue)
A recurring theme of this issue is expensive, commercial toys do not always
make the best playthings. Advice ranges from choosing toys to sourcing
them, and explores the possibilities presented by everyday objects as well
as specialised technology.
Bain, Janice
Toys: more than child's play
Insight May/Jun 2008, No 15, p43-44
Describes a toy library service in Fife.
Bruce, Tina
Rags to riches? Just pretend ...
Look Spring 2006, No 43, p13-14
Looks at using 'treasure baskets' full of playthings (that is, commonplace
objects) to promote imaginative play.
Burrows, Nicola
Play, leisure and age-appropriateness
Focus July 2001, No 33, p14
Buultjens, Marianna & Ferguson, Roseann
Let’s play together
British Journal of Visual Impairment 1994, Vol 12 (3)
Outline of the initial findings from the first year of a study of how young
blind children may be helped to develop exploratory skills.
Corke, Margaret
Interactive music: developing social communication skills
Eye Contact Autumn 2004, No 40, p6-8
Using music to develop communication skills with children who have complex
and multiple learning difficulties.
Daelman, Marlene
Early communication
Eye Contact Summer 1997, No 18, p18-20
Discusses theories on the development of communication with children who
are deafblind or have multiple disabilities and reports on work being carried
out in Europe.
Ferguson, Roseann & Buultjens, Marianna
Play behaviour of young blind children and its relationship to developmental
British Journal of Visual Impairment November 1995,
Vol 13 (3)
Finn, D M & Fewell, R R
Use of play assessment to examine the development of communication
skills in children who are deafblind
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Jul-Aug
1994, Vol 88, p349-356
A study which evaluates the relationship between the play behaviour of
children who are deafblind and their communication skills.
Hall, Pam
Learning through play: early cause and effect activities
Eye Contact Autumn 2003, No 37, p12-14
Hinchcliffe, Janet
Vibroacoustic breakthrough
Eye Contact Autumn 2004, No 40, p25-27
Sandall Wood School in Doncaster use a new vibroacoustic board to help
motivate pupils and aid communication.
Hirstwood, Richard
Communication in multi-sensory rooms
Focus Feb 1998, No 23, p20-31
Discusses communication options within the multisensory room.
McDonald, Suzy & Bell, Judy
Enjoying time together
Insight Jan/Feb 2008, No 13, p27-29
Highlights specialist play centres with multisensory play for families
and school groups.
McKinley, Janice
Bringing play into a neonatal unit
Insight Nov/Dec 2007, No 12, p25-26
Describes a home-visiting play service (portage) in Bradford who are helping
severely multiply disabled children access play from an early age.
McLarty, Marion
Play: are we getting it right?
Eye Contact Summer 1996, No 15, p13-14
Looks at how play is used in educational settings for children with multiple
disabilities and whether it is always appropriate for the child.
Panter, Anna
Let the fun begin: communicating through touch the TACPAC way
Eye Contact Summer 2004, No 39, p31-34
A programme of music and tactile experiences for children with profound
and multiple disabilities as a means of promoting body awareness and improving
Parsons, Sandy
Function of play in low vision children (Part 1): a review of the
research and literature
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness March 1986,
Vol 80, p627-784
A literature review of the play of visually impaired children.
Parsons, Sandy
Function of play in low vision children (Part 2): emerging patterns
of behaviour
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness June 1986,
Vol 80, p777-784
A study of the play patterns of children with low vision compared with
sighted peers.
Rettig, Michael
Play of young children with visual impairments: characteristics and
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Sept-Oct
1994, Vol 88, p410-420
A literature review of the play of visually impaired children.
Stanfield, Caroline & Zimmerman, Sally
Music and communication
Insight Nov/Dec 2007, No 12, p10-12
Describes work with children developing communication through music.
Stewart, Christine
Clowndoctors: slapstick and song
Insight Jan/Feb 2006, No 1, p23-25
Play therapy for children with multiple disabilities and visual impairment
in hospital settings.
Troster, Heinrich & Brambring, Michael
Play behavior and play materials of blind and sighted infants and
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Sept-Oct
1994, Vol 88, p421-432
A study based on a parent survey about the play behaviour of their children.
The survey targeted both visually impaired and sighted children.
York, Liz
Music therapy
Eye Contact Autumn 2005, No 43, p19-22
How music therapy can help facilitate communication with children who are
visually impaired and have multiple disabilities.
Down's Syndrome & Vision (including vision assessment of children with additional disabilities)
BooksAitken, Stuart & Buultjens, Marianna
Vision for doing: assessing functional vision of learners
who are multiply disabled (Sensory Series No 2)
Moray House Publications, 1992
ISBN: 0901580392
Result of 4-year study based on research & in-service work from schools,
adult training centres etc. For all who work with young VI & multiply disabled
people. Sensory Series No 2.
Bowman, Richard; Bowman, Ruth; Dutton, Gordon
Disorders of vision in children: a guide for teachers
and carers
RNIB, 2001
ISBN: 1858782139
Explains how disorders of visual function can impair visual performance
under different circumstances and allows readers to determine how best to
devise educational strategies.
Cunningham, Cliff
Down's syndrome: an introduction for parents
Souvenir Press, 1988
ISBNs: 0285650467, 0285650610
Dale, F J
Stimulation guide: a sourcebook of suggestions and activities
for multi-sensory impaired children and others with developmental difficulties
Woodhead Faulkner, 1990
ISBN: 0859416305
A useful sourcebook of suggestions and activities aimed at increasing the
physical and psychological development of multi-sensory impaired children.
Goodman, Stephen A & Wittenstein, Stuart H
Collaborative assessment: working with students who
are blind or visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities
AFB, 2003
ISBN: 0891288694
Hyvärinen, Lea
Assessment of low vision for educational purposes and early intervention: Part II: visually impaired children with other disabilities
Precision Vision, 1997
ISBN: 952519602X
An overview of assessing vision in children with other disabilities such
as deafblindness, developmental delays, motor disabilities, brain damage and
learning disabilities.
Hyvärinen, Lea
Identification and assessment of low vision for educational purposes
in developing countries Part 1
Precision Vision, 1997
Cat No: 2805
Hyvärinen, Lea & Lindstedt, Eva
Assessment of vision in children
SRF Tal & Punkt, 1981
Review of methodology with particular reference to the early identification
of visual impairments and the evaluation of visual function in children with
impaired vision and/or multiple handicaps.
Lee, Mary & MacWilliam, Lindi
Learning together: a creative approach to learning for
children with multiple disabilities and a visual impairment
RNIB, 2002
ISBN: 1858785316
How to create an active learning environment for children with MDVI. This
book explains and illustrates methods that have been developed over many
years, with children of all ages, at the Royal Blind School, Edinburgh.
Lueck, Amanda Hall (ed)
Functional vision: a practitioner's guide to evaluation
and intervention
AFB, 2004
ISBN: 0891288716
To help professionals gain a better understanding of methods used to evaluate
and work with functional vision.
McDonald, Mary
Which way? A guide for parents of children with multiple
RNIB, 2003
ISBN: 1858785278
Part of the RNIB's Early years series of publications focusing on the more
complex issues that can arise for children with sight problems who have other
special needs.
Nielsen, Lilli
Are you blind?
SIKON, 1990
ISBN: 8750382705
Promotion of the development of children who are especially developmentally
Rogow, Sally M
Helping the visually impaired child with developmental problems: effective practice in home, school and community
Teachers College Press, 1988
ISBN: 0807729035
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
New directions: towards a better future for multihandicapped
visually impaired children and young people
RNIB, 1990
ISBN: 0901797586
This report lays down a set of principles concerning services for children
with MDVI and their families.
Sacks, Sharon Z & Silberman, Rosanne K
Educating students who have visual impairments with other disabilities
Paul H Brookes, 1998
ISBN: 1557662800
A hands-on resource, this book provides invaluable information for professionals
who serve students who have visual impairments with other disabilities
and their families from infancy to adulthood. Practical suggestions for
students with deafblindness, learning, orthopaedic or neurological disabilities
and emotional and behaviour problems.
Smith, Audrey J & Cote, Karen Shane
Look at me: a resource manual for the development of
residual vision in children with multiple disabilities
Pennsylvania College of Optometry, 1982
Aimed for use with children who have a visual impairment or who are multiply
disabled and visually impaired. The program describes visual stimulation
techniques by use of case studies.
University of Birmingham. School of Education
Developing effective practice in the use of low vision aids for
children with multiple disabilities and a visual impairment: Final
report for the Nuffield Auxilliary fund
University of Birmingham, 2001
ISBN: 0704423111
Final report for the Nuffield Auxilliary fund
Brown, Ann
Twinkle: a musical stimulation video for young people
with severe disabilities
Soundabout, [2001]
Twinkle's slow pace and deliberate silences between episodes give the young
viewer a chance to absorb the story in separate chunks. Images and music
start and stop together enhancing listening and looking skills.
Brown, David
Assessment of visual functioning in children with complex multiple
Eye Contact Summer 1998, No 21, p5-7
Advises on functional vision assessments for children with multiple disabilities.
Little, Suzanne
Putting assessment into everyday practice
Insight Jan/Feb 2007, No 7, p15-17
Describes one school's multidisciplinary approach to assessment based on
the "Vision for Doing" assessment tool.
Southwell, Catherine
"But what can they really see?"
Eye Contact Summer 1998, No 21, p17-20
Functional vision assessments for children with multiple disabilities and
their impact on learning
Southwell, Catherine
See for yourself: observing the visual skills of young children and
those with communication difficulties
Insight Jan/Feb 2007, No 7, p11-14
Explores the challenge of assessing the functional vision of children who
have communication dificulties.
Woodhouse, Maggie
Down's syndrome and visual impairment
Eye Contact Spring 2000, No 26, p20-22
Findings of a study into the visual problems of children with Down's syndrome.
Woodhouse, Maggie & Al-Bagdady, Mohammad
Practical approaches to vision in children with Down's Syndrome
Insight Sept/Oct 2007, No 11, p24-27
New approaches to helping children with down's syndrome see as well as
Tests: Acuity
Hyvärinen, Lea
3-d symbol set
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2516 Double-sided board with four symbol blocks
Hyvärinen, Lea
9 line horizontal translucent distance chart
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2523 Distance chart, instruction sheet and set of symbol cards
Hyvärinen, Lea
9 line wide spaced translucent distance chart
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2505 Distance chart, instruction sheet and set of symbol cards
Hyvärinen, Lea
Crowded symbol book
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2507 Symbol book, instruction booklet and set of symbol cards
Hyvärinen, Lea
Lea gratings (visual acuity test): small, medium and
large face stimulus paddle
Precision Vision, nd
Cat Nos: 2530, 2531, 2532
Hyvärinen, Lea
Pocket-sized near vision card
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2509 (Same as 2508 except smaller) Card and instruction booklet
Hyvärinen, Lea
Single symbol book
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2506 Symbol book, instruction booklet and set of symbol cards
Tests: Colour Vision
Hyvärinen, Lea
Quantitative color vision test: PV-16
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2603 16 Colour discs, 17 restriction rings, recording forms and
manual (x2)
Tests: Contrast Sensitivity
Hyvärinen, Lea
Enhancement of low contrast vision game
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2528 4 packs of 16 low contrast domino cards and instruction sheet
Hyvärinen, Lea
Heidi expressions: test game (low contrast, facial recognition)
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2545 Includes three sets of 18 pictures (full contrast, 10% contrast
and 2.5% contrast) and instruction sheet
Hyvärinen, Lea
Hiding Heidi: low contrast "face" test
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2535 Includes 4 plastic cards and instructions
Hyvärinen, Lea
Lea symbol screener (contrast sensitivity, near vision
and distance vision)
Precision Vision, nd
Cat No: 2522 Screener charts, manual, recording forms and set of symbol
Tests: Functional
Kinsley-Crisp, Ronald
Do you have a child with a visual dysfunction in your classroom?
JAG Enterprises, 1998
Manual and assessment kit for use by teachers in mainstream schools who
have children with learning difficulties and/or behavioural problems, but
who are not regarded as visually impaired. Kit includes eye dominance,
distance & near vision, colour and paper glare tests and coloured overlays.
Nielsen, Lilli
FIELA curriculum: 730 learning environments = The flexible
individual enriched level appropriate curriculum
SIKON, 1998
ISBN: 8760175338
Comprises a book, a catalogue and a velcro board, made to ensure that the
child with one or several disabilities can access an individual learning programme
which will match his developmental level, his needs for learning and his interests.