Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Friendships for Children and Young People with a Visual Impairment
Bailey, Gail
What can you see? Supporting the social development of young people who are blind or partially sighted
RNIB Cymru, 2009
ISBN 9781444500431
This book explains why some children with visual impairment may need additional support to develop their own emotional well-being and to develop and maintain friendships. Practical approaches and resources are offered.
Bailey, Gail & Aubin, Siobhan
Think right/feel good: a short course for promo,ting well-being in young people with vision impairment
Guide Dogs, 2011
ISBN 9780955926808
A programme of workshops to promote emotional well-being and good social skills in young people with vision problems.
Buultjens, Marianna; Stead, Joan; Dallas, Mary
Promoting social inclusion of pupils with visual impairment in mainstream schools in Scotland
Scottish Sensory Centre, 2002
Report of the project funded by the Scottish Executive. The aims of the project were to identify the range of school based strategies and initiatives that promote social inclusion and describe the social experiences of pupils with a visual impairment.
Cowie, Helen & Wallace, Patti
Peer support in action
Sage, 2000
ISBN 0761963529
A practical guide which aims to give adults working with children and young people the knowledge, understanding and practical tools to provide effective and appropriate systems of peer support.
Dowling, Marion
Young children's personal, social and emotional development
Paul Chapman, 2000
ISBN 076196360X
The theory and practice of personal and social development with young children, using everyday examples from early years settings.
Lawrence, Denis
Enhancing self-esteem in the classroom (2nd ed)
Paul Chapman, 1996
ISBN 1853963518
How to devise a systematic programme to enhance self esteem, and how to use self-esteem enhancement in everyday teaching.
Loumiet, Robin & Levack, Nancy
Independent living: a curriculum with adaptations for students with visual impairments: Volume I: Social competence (2nd ed)
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 1993
ISBN 1880366037
Part of three volumes concentrating on daily living, social skills and play & leisure.
MacCuspie, P Ann
Promoting acceptance of children with disabilities: from tolerance to inclusion
Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority, 1996
ISBN 0968038808
Offers valuable discussion about providing for special needs in ways that promote understanding and acceptance in the classroom.
Perez-Pereira, Miguel & Conti-Ramsden, Gina
Language development and social interaction in blind children
Psychology Press, 1999
ISBN 0863777953
Series: Essays in developmental psychology
Sacks, Sharon Z & Wolffe, Karen E
Teaching social skills to students with visual impairments: from theory to practice
AFB, 2005
ISBN 0891288821
Presents both the theoretical foundation and innumerable techniques and strategies for helping visually impaired youngsters, from preschoolers to young adults, including those with additional disabilities, develop and refine social skills.
Sacks, Sharon Z; Kekelis, Linda S; Gaylord-Ross, Robert J
Development of social skills by blind and visually impaired students: exploratory studies and strategies
AFB, 1992
ISBN 0891282173
Webb, Marilyn; Salt, Natalie; Wiffen-Jones, Doreen
Evaluation of the counselling service for children with visual impairment and their families: by service users, parents and teaching staff
Birmingham City Council, 2004
A study of service users at a specialist counselling service for visually impaired children.
Webster, Alec & Roe, Joao
Children with visual impairments: social interaction, language and learning
Routledge, 1998
ISBN 0415148162
Webster-Stratton, Carolyn
How to promote children's social and emotional competence
Paul Chapman, 1999
ISBN 0761965017
For teachers of children aged 4-8 years on how teachers can work with parents in addressing children's educational and emotional needs.
Birmingham City Council
Learning from each other: peer and parent assisted learning
Birmingham City Council, [2004]
ISBN 1905182058
Explores collaborative learning using a variety of approaches involving parents, peers and older learning buddies. DVD video plus DVD-ROM supplementary material.
Sacks, Sharon Z & Wolffe, Karen E
Focused on social skills (complete set)
AFB, 2000
ISBN 9780891284413
DVD compilation of the five videos on social skills for visually impaired children. Includes: Importance and need for social skills; Assessment techniques; Teaching social skills to visually impaired preschoolers; Teaching social skills to visually impaired elementary students; Social skills for teenagers and young adults with visual impairment.
Gringhuis, Diety; Lagerweij, Paul; Ijzerman, Jan
See you! a video on visual impairment and social development
Bartimeus, 2002
Duration 30mins. Accompanied by a leaflet. Based on images and stories, the video looks at the effects that a visual impairment can have on interaction with others. Aimed at parents, teachers and others involved in the upbringing of VI children
Stimulation of social competence in children and young people with a visual impairment: a guide for upbringing and education: a CD-ROM with stories, theory, pictures and approach
Bartimeus, 2003
ISBN 9071534456
This CD-ROM focuses on the development of social competence and contains suggestions for behavioural guidance and education. It offers advice in dealing with problems relating to social competence in children and young people who are visually impaired. In English, German and Dutch.
Bailey, Gail
Ask me anything! self advocacy through script-writing
Jan/Feb 2010, No 25, p20-22
Explains how children can gain confidence to discuss their eye condition and other common questions with pre-prepared "scripts".
Bailey, Gail
Competent to learn
May/Jun 2008, No 15, p38-41
Explores the importance of developing the self esteem of visually impaired children with regard to studying and learning.
Bailey, Gail
Enhancing motivation
Jan/Feb 2008, No 13, p35-36
Suggests ways to support a young person lacking motivation.
Bailey, Gail
Positive parenting
Nov/Dec 2009, No 24, p42-43
Explores the practical ways that parents can support the emotional well being of their blind or partially sighted child.
Bailey, Gail
Promoting emotional wellbeing
Nov/Dec 2007, No 12, p30-31
An educational psychologist gives advice on how to deal with children who are losing their sight and the impact this may have on their emotional wellbeing.
Bailey, Gail
Social competence: the role of parents, professionals and peers
Jul/Aug 2008, No 16, p25-27
An educational psychologist examines practical ways of enabling childen with sight problems to develop vital social and emotional skills.
Bowen, Jayne
Visual impairment and its impact on self-esteem
British Journal of Visual Impairment
Jan 2010, Vol 28 (1), p47-56
A study of boys and girls with visual impairments at primary and secondary schools measuring their self esteem and comparing the gender and age differences.
Cavanagh, Jean
Using autogenic therapy
Mar/Apr 2007, No 8, p26-29
Therapy which could be useful as a relaxation tool for adolescents who are losing their sight which helps to foster a positive attitude.
Duncan, Eleanor
Developing a positive identity: awareness raising with teenagers
Mar/Apr 2007, No 8, p17-19
Awareness sessions in a secondary school to help a young person and his classmates come to terms with his visual impairment.
Evans, Lisa
Mentoring teenagers
Mar/Apr 2007, No 8, p23-25
A "learning mentor" in a mainstream secondary school describes some of her work with visually impaired young people.
Jennings, Julie
Early attachment: the role of key person and key worker
Jan/Feb 2010, No 25, p36-38
Explores the role of the key worker in developing early social skills in young children who are visually impaired.
Kendrew, Ros
Focus on social integration: Lottery of life: getting the bonus balls
Spring 1996, No 16, p5-7
Questions whether it is taken for granted that young visually impaired people acquire necessary social skills without some guidance and encouragement.
Marques-Brocksopp, Lorna
Broad reach of the wellbeing debate: emotional wellbeing and vision loss
British Journal of Visual Impairment
January 2012, Vol 30 (1), p50-55
An exploration into the current interest in emotional and physical wellbeing. Looks at different models of wellbeing which could be explored by research and to open up the debate.
McLeish, Eve
Sky's the limit
Jan/Feb 2010, No 25, p10-12
A programme which uses outdoor activities and social events to develop social skills and personal confidence in visually impaired children.
Miles, Alison
Lessons end, but learning carries on
Jan/Feb 2010, No 25, p17-19
Explores social skills opportunities for pupils in a residential school.
Palmer, Carolyn
Myths, stereotypes and self-perception: the impact of albinism on self-esteem
British Journal of Visual Impairment
May 2007, Vol 25 (2), p144-154
A study of how albinism affects self esteem.
Pinquart, Martin & Pfeiffer, Jens P
Body image in adolescents with and without visual impairment
British Journal of Visual Impairment
September 2012, Vol 30 (3), p122-131
Study of whether visually impaired young people are more or less satisfied with their own body image than normally sighted peers and how this impacts on their self-esteem.
Powell, Paula
Circle time with Aqib
Mar/Apr 2007, No 8, p14-15
Circletime and awareness sessions are used in the year 6 class of an isolated visually impaired boy to try to improve the situation.
Ralphs, Wendy
Friendship and play in a mainstream primary school
Summer 2005, No 44, p21-23
Describes an individualised programme which has helped one pupil to develop friendship and play skills.
Rodney, Peter (ed)
Self esteem: special issue
The Educator
Jul 2007, Vol XX (2)
Articles on self-esteem and self-confidence for blind children by: Karolina Caran; Stine Roemer; Allan Dodds; Leanne Nagel; Dean & Naomi Tuttle; Karen Wolffe; Willian Rodrigez Polo and A Saibaba Goud.
Roe, Joao
Making friends
Mar/Apr 2007, No 8, p20-22
Ideas for promoting good social experiences for visually impaired children in mainstream classes.
Roe, Joao
Social inclusion: meeting the socio-emotional needs of children with vision needs
British Journal of Visual Impairment
May 2008, Vol 26 (2), p147-158
Explores the ways in which professionals can promote socio-emotional development in visually impaired children.