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Bibliography - Supporting VI Children in Mainstream School
Arter, Christine ... [et al]
Children with visual impairment in mainstream settings
David Fulton, 1999
ISBN: 1853465836
Bowman, Richard; Bowman, Ruth; Dutton, Gordon
Disorders of vision in children: a guide for teachers
and carers
RNIB, 2001
ISBN: 1858782139
Explains how disorders of visual function can impair visual performance
under different circumstances and allows readers to determine how best
to devise educational strategies.
Brambring, Michael
Lessons with a child who is blind: development and early
intervention in the first years of life
Blind Children's Fund, 1998
Presents an account of one family's experiences in rearing their daughter
Christina who is congenitally blind.
Buultjens, Marianna; Stead, Joan; Dallas, Mary
Promoting social inclusion of pupils with visual impairment in
mainstream schools in Scotland
Scottish Sensory Centre, 2002
Report of the project funded by the Scottish Executive. The aims
of the project were to identify the range of school based strategies and
initiatives that promote social inclusion and describe the social experiences
of pupils with a visual impairment.
Clunies-Ross, Louise ... [et al]
Look and touch: play activities and toys for children
with visual impairment
RNIB, 1987
Focuses on different play activities, describing how children of different
ages & with various eye conditions can be encouraged to develop through
play. Includes info on specialist & non-specialist toys useful
for VI children.
Cole-Hamilton, Issy & Vale, Dan
Shaping the future: the experiences of blind and partially
sighted children in the UK: summary report
RNIB, 2000
ISBN :1858784492
Results from the biggest survey of blind and partially sighted children
and young people ever to have been conducted in the UK.
Davis, Pauline
Including children with visual impairment in mainstream schools: a practical guide
David Fulton, 2003
ISBN: 1853469149
Uses detailed case studies of inclusion in 4 primary schools.
Dawkins, Jasmine
Training for special needs assistants: a research report
into the employment and training of Special Needs Assistants working with
visually impaired children in mainstream schools
RNIB, 1994
Department for Education and Skills (DfES)
Information for parents: visual impairment [Early Support
Pilot Programme]
Dept for Education and Skills, 2004
Guidance for families who have very young children who are visually impaired.
Dominguez, Betty & Dominguez, Joe
Building blocks: foundations for learning for young blind
and visually impaired children
AFB, 1991
ISBN: 0891281878
An English-Spanish book focusing on activities & materials that make
up programs emphasizing learning through fun for children with visual impairments.
Everett, Dominic & Ravenscroft, John
Parent guide to mainstream visual impairment education in Scotland
VI Scotland, 2004
ISBN: 0954608119
Provides information to parents on how children with visual impairments
are educated in mainstream schools in Scotland
Everett, Dominic; Ravenscroft, John; Spowart, Katherine
Moving through: what parent/carers should know about the
educational transition process for visually impaired young people in Scotland
VI Scotland, 2005
ISBN: 0954608127
A guide to the transitions that a visually impaired child will make from
joining nursery through to leaving school for tertiary education and work.
Fellenius, Kerstin
Reading acquisition in pupils with visual impairments in mainstream
Stockholm Institute of Education, 1999
ISBN: 917656455X
Ferrell, Kay Alicyn
Reach out and teach: parent handbook
AFB, 1985
ISBN: 0891281274
Meeting the training needs of parents of visually and multiply handicapped
young children.
Fichtner, Dorothea
How to raise a blind child: a guide for parents of blind
children and those who work with blind pre-school children
Christoffer Blindenmission, 1979
Aimed at carers and educators of children aged up to 6 years old with no
additional disabilities.
Fielder, Alistair R; Best, Anthony B; Bax, Martin C O (Eds)
Management of visual impairment in childhood
Cambridge U P, 1993
ISBN: 0521451507
A practical & theoretical guide aimed at all who are involved in the
day-to-day management of children with VI.
Flavell, Liz
Preparing to include special children in mainstream schools: a
practical guide
David Fulton, 2001
ISBN: 1853467707
Demonstrates how mainstream and special schools can work together in preparing
the special schoolchild to succeed in a mainstream environment.
Fullwood, Deborah; Harvey, Laine; White, Glen
Living and learning: a guide for parents and educators
of young visually impaired children who have additional disabilities
RVIB, 1991
ISBN: 0949390907
Gold, Deborah
Finding a new path: guidance for parents of young children
who are visually impaired or blind
Canadian National Institute for the Blind, 2002
ISBN: 0921122381
Intended as a tool for parents to help them gain confidence in raising
a child who has a visual impairment and as such covers all the main areas
that parents will encounter including coping with the diagnosis, dealing
with families and friends, child development and education.
Gringhuis, Diety; Moonen, Jo; van Woudenberg, Paula
Children with partial sight: development, parenting, education
and support
Bartiméus, 2002
ISBN: 9071534413
Haughton, Liz & Mackevicius, Sandie
I'm posting the pebbles: active learning through play
for children who are blind or vision impaired
RVIB, 2001
ISBN: 0949390585
Different types of play & activities are examined and suggested for
good learning opportunities for children who have visual impairments.
Holbrook, M Cay
Children with visual impairments: a parents' guide
Woodbine House, 1995
ISBN: 0933149360
LaVenture, Susan (ed)
Parents' guide to special education for children with visual impairments
AFB, 2007
ISBN: 0891288929
With contributions from parents and specialists. Information that
these experts feel that every parent should know to help them succeed in
the education of their visually impaired child.
Lear, Roma
Look at it this way: toys and activities for children
with a visual impairment
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998
ISBN: 0750638958
Series: Play can help
Lee, Mary
This little finger: early literacy home resource pack
for parents of children with visual impairment
Royal Blind School, Edinburgh, [2007]
A practical guide for parents to help them encourage literacy in their
visually impaired children.
Lindstedt, Eva
How well does a child see? a guide on vision and
vision assessment in children (2nd ed)
ELISYN, 1997
ISBN: 9187062046
MacCuspie, P Ann
Promoting acceptance of children with disabilities: from
tolerance to inclusion
Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority, 1996
ISBN: 0968038808
Offers valuable discussion about providing for special needs in ways that
promote understanding and acceptance in the classroom.
Mason, Heather L
Guidelines for teachers and parents of young people with a visual
impairment using low vision aids (LVAs)
University of Birmingham, 1998
Part of Heather Mason's pack on Low Vision Aids.
Mason, Heather & McCall, Stephen (Eds)
Visual impairment: access to education for children and
young people
David Fulton, 1997
ISBN: 1853464120
A comprehensive guide including medical issues, education, curriculum,
transition and multiple disabilities.
McDonald, Mary
Setting out: practical ideas for parents of children with
sight problems
RNIB, 2002
ISBN: 1858785286
Guide for parents about creating a loving and stimulating environment for
children with sight problems.
McDonald, Mary
Which way? A guide for parents of children with multiple
RNIB, 2003
ISBN: 1858785278
Part of the RNIB's Early years series of publications focusing on the more
complex issues that can arise for children with sight problems who have
other special needs.
McDonald, Suzy
One of the class: advice, reference, resources
RNIB, 2000
ISBN: 1858782813
Miller, Olga
Supporting children with visual impairment in mainstream schools
Franklin Watts, 1996
ISBN: 0749617470
Naish, Lucy; Clunies-Ross, Louise; Bell, Judy
Exploring access in mainstream: how to audit your school
environment, focusing on the needs of pupils who have visual impairment
RNIB, 2004
ISBN: 1858786304
Folder of information for staff in mainstream schools which deals with
access and adaptations to the physical environment for children with visual
National Association of Local Societies for Visually Impaired People
NALSVI (National Association of Local Societies for Visually
Impaired people) Handbook
NALSVI, [1999]
Nielsen, Lilli
Educational approaches for visually impaired children
SIKON, 1992
ISBN: 8750395688
Designed for teachers, psychologists, parents, pre-school teachers and
others who are involved in caring for visually impaired children.
Pogrund, Rona L & Fazzi, Diane L
Early focus: working with young children who are blind
or visually impaired and their families (2nd ed)
AFB, 2002
ISBN: 0891288562
Raynor, Sherry & Drouillard, Richard
Get a wiggle on: a guide for helping visually impaired
children grow (2nd ed)
Blind Children's Fund, 1996
This booklet has been prepared to assist those who are in contact with
blind or visually impaired infants. It contains suggestions which
will be helpful in assisting these children, early in their lives, to grow
and learn like other children.
Raynor, Sherry & Drouillard, Richard
Move it!!!: a guide for helping visually impaired children
grow (2nd ed)
Blind Children's Fund, 1997
A sequel to "Get a wiggle on." RN 3216
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Finding out about blindness
RNIB, 1998
This pack is based on Anna as seen in "Anna's story" RN 235.
It's full of ideas, games and useful information on serious sight problems. For
children aged 7-11.
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Finding out about blindness: an education resource for
use in primary and middle schools: teacher's pack
RNIB, 1991
ISBN: 0901797774
Includes Teacher's guide; Lesson plans; Activity cards; BNIB factsheets;
posters; booklets; Braille sheets; Simulation spectacles
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
One step at a time
RNIB, 1995
ISBN: 1858780691
Aims to help parents whose baby has been born with a visual impairment
by offering practical information and advice as their baby develops.
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Your first steps: a guide for parents of children with
sight problems
RNIB, 2002
ISBN: 185878526X
This books updates and combines two former RNIB early years publications: "Getting
started" and "Help for you and your child"
Russotti, Joanne & Shaw, Rona
When you have a visually impaired student in your classroom: a
guide for paraeducators
AFB, 2004
ISBN: 0891288945
Easy to understand guide to teaching and responding to visually impaired
children in mainstream classrooms Aimed at classroom assistants
Scott, Eileen P; Jan, James E; Freeman, Roger D
Can't your child see: a guide for parents and professionals
about young people who are visually impaired (3rd ed)
Pro-Ed, 1995
ISBN: 0890796041
Sonksen, Patricia & Stiff, Blanche
Show me what my friends can see: a development guide for
parents of babies with severely impaired sight and their professional advisors
Institute of Child Health, 1991
ISBN: 095175260X
Sections covering different aspects of child development Stages
of development are outlined for sighted children with strategies for encouraging
development in visually impaired children.
Souder, Patricia
Different way of seeing: youth with visual impairments
and blindness
Mason Crest, 2008
ISBN: 9781422204184
Stories about young visually impaired people which can be used for disability
Strathclyde Regional Council Education Resource Service
Information and advice for parents of visually impaired children
Strathclyde Regional Council, 1984
A general introduction to the education of visually impaired children for
Swenson, Anna & D'Andrea, Frances Mary
Braille trail: an activity book
AFB, 2002
ISBN: 0891288546
A set of games, puzzles and other activities intended to show children
the meaning and importance of Braille. Accompanied by a parent /teacher
Visual Impairment Scotland
Where can you go from here? Scotland
VI Scotland, [2003]
Information for parents of children with visual impairments.
Birmingham City Council
Successfully including children with a visual impairment in mainstream
Birmingham City Council, [2006]
Awareness materials for teachers of visually impaired children in mainstream
classes. DVD video plus DVD-ROM supplementary material including: Checklists,
eye conditions, environmental audit and adapted ICT .
American Foundation for the Blind
New what do you do when you see a blind person?, The
AFB, 2000
ISBN: 0891283501
Through the experiences of Mark Johnson, a computer programmer who is blind,
and Dave Simon, a computer salesman who is not, this video demonstrates
simple ways to provide assistance, if needed, to someone who is blind or
visually impaired. Duration 16 mins.
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Vision shared: good practice and strategies for the successful
inclusion of visually impaired pupils in mainstream education
RNIB, 1999
ISBN: 185878235X
Identifies aspects of good practice and strategies for the successful inclusion
of visually impaired pupils in mainstream education.