- British Cochlear Implant Group Annual UK Update Data from UK cochlear implant centre co-ordinators about the number of people using and receiving cochlear implants in the United Kingdom.
- Speech Acoustics (pdf) by Agnes Allen, February 2016
- Functional Listening and Speech Perception (pdf) by Janette Joyce, February 2016
- Speech production theory (normal development vs deviant development)(pdf) by Jane Gallacher, February 2016
- Link to Literacy (pdf) by Janette Joyce, February 2016
- An introduction to Classroom acoustics (this is a filmed, edited presentation with transcript), Graham Breakenridge, March 2013
- Introduction to Soundfield systems (this is a filmed, edited presentation with transcript), Richard Vaughan, March 2013
- Introduction to JUNO Soundfield Lesson Capture System, and the Comfort Audio Digisystem, Gareth Challis, March 2013
- NDCS Acoustic Toolkit, Richard Vaughan, March 2013
- Tinnitus in Children and Young Adults;
How it Impacts Education Delivery, Dawn Lamerton November 2010
- Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder, Jackie Salter, November
- Working with Teenagers with Cochlear Implants, Jackie
Salter, January 2009
- Newborn hearing screening – evaluation,
understanding and moving on, Alys Young, 2006
- Newborn hearing screening – References
and Bibliography, 2006
- Auditory brainstem response
(ABR), 2004
- Behavioural observation audiometry
(BOA), 2004
- Evaluation of digital hearing
aids, 2004
- Newborn hearing screening,
- Visual reinforcement audiometry
(VRA), 2004
- Are these hearing aids working?,
Susan Martin, 2002
- BKB Standard Sentence Lists,
- Brainstorming Hearing Aids,
Susan Martin, 2002
- Essentials of pure tone audiometry.
Interpretation of audiograms, Susan Martin, 2002
- Is that how the ear works?,
Susan Martin, 2002
- Simple ways to check a hearing
aid, Susan Martin, 2002
- Troubleshooting hearing aids,
Susan Martin, 2002
- Use of Hearing Aid Analyser
(Test box), Susan Martin, 2002