Scottish Association for Visual Impairment Education
SAVIE is the professional association in Scotland for anyone involved in the education of children and young people with a visual impairment. Meetings for members are twice yearly and involve opportunities to network, share practice and learn more about developments in the field of visual impairment.
SAVIE has a technology working group. Over the years the group has produced documents and shared expertise.
The last SAVIE meeting was held on Friday, 1st Dec 2023 at SSC, Edinburgh
On 14th May 2019, SAVIE held a DigiTeachMeet to celebrate Digital Learning week and members logged in to share their ideas for good use of technology.
On 3rd March 2020, SAVIE held a Webinar and members logged in to find out from Gwyn McCormack, Positive Eye about her new initiatives and projects.
Contact SAVIE (Email)
To update the website: sscmail@ed.ac.uk
Created for SAVIE by:
Scottish Sensory Centre, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AQ