Issues and Strategies for Visually Impaired Learners
Tuesday 7 March 2006
This course aims to highlight some examples of how the learning environment can be structured appropriately for pupils with visual impairment. Teachers of the visually impaired are expected to have all the answers regarding pupils with visual impairment from working with Braille readers to those who have additional impairments. However, often there is no one to discuss any problems, or indeed successes, encountered in providing a learning environment that is appropriate for the pupils we work with.
This course is suitable for both teachers, and others, who are new to working with visually impaired children and also to those who are more experienced in this field.
Janis Sugden, Teaching Fellow in Education Support (Visual
Impairment), SSC/University of Edinburgh
Mary Lee, Principal Teacher (Curriculum and Assessment) Royal Blind School, Edinburgh
Mary Dallas, Education and Family Services Manager, RNIB Scotland, Edinburgh
John Ravenscroft, Co-ordinator, SSC and Manager, VI Scotland, University of Edinburgh
Vicki Logan, Principal Teacher, Additional Needs, Earlston Resource Centre, Borders
10.20 am Introduction
- 10.30 am Profile of Scottish VI Children - John Ravenscroft
- 11.15 am Visual impairment and early development - pupils with additional support needs - Mary Lee
- 11.45 am Low Vision Aids - Mary Dallas
- 1.30 pm Low Vision Aids - Janis Sugden
- 2.30 pm Scottish Borders Project "Curriculum Access for All" - Vicki Logan
- 3.15 pm Course evaluation and close