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Bibliography - Ask an Expert: Professor Gordon Dutton. Ophthalmologist
Backman, Orjan & Inde, Krister
Low vision training
Liberhermods Malmo, 1979
ISBN: 9123921323
Exercises to improve visually impaired people's use of low vision aids and techniques.
Bowman, Richard; Bowman, Ruth; Dutton, Gordon
Disorders of vision in children: a guide for teachers and
RNIB, 2001
ISBN: 1858782139
Explains how disorders of visual function can impair visual performance under
different circumstances and allows readers to determine how best to devise
educational strategies.
Brown, Barbara
Low vision handbook for eyecare professionals (2nd ed)
Slack Inc, 2007
ISBN: 9781556427954
An introduction to all aspects of low vision. Includes practical material
on assessing low vision patients, the psychology of visual loss and ways to
alleviate patient's common fears.
Cassin, Barbara
Dictionary of eye terminology (2nd edition)
Triad Publishing, 1990
ISBN: 0937404330
Dictionary of terms and conditions used in ophthalmology
Coakes, Roger & Sellors, Patrick Holmes
Outline of ophthalmology (2nd edition)
Butterworth, 1995
ISBN: 0750617691
Illustrated guide to eye conditions arranged by symptoms and causes, final
chapters discuss assessment and treatment.
Conyers, Maria
Vision for the future: meeting the challenge of sight loss
Jessica Kingsley, 1992
ISBN: 1853021105
Written by a counsellor, follows the emotional journey patients undergo from
when they begin to lose their sight through to treatment and rehabilitation.
Corn, Anne L & Koenig, Alan J (Eds)
Foundations of low vision: clinical and functional perspectives
AFB, 1996
ISBN: 0891289410
This textbook considers the functional and the clinical implications of low
vision, their impact on the individual, and the ways in which these implications
need to be addressed by education & rehabilitation professionals.
Crossman, Heather L
Cortical visual impairment: presentation, assessment and
North Rocks Press, 1992
Looks at CVI, how it presents and offers management guidelines. Based
on the North Rocks study of 55 children.
Dennison, Elizabeth & Lueck, Amanda Hall
Summit on cerebral/cortical visual impairment: Educational,
family and medical perspectives: Proceedings [of the conference held on] April
30, 2005
AFB, 2006
ISBN: 0891288171
Papers and presentations from the conference.
Dickerson, Mary Lou
Small victories: conversations about prematurity, disability,
vision loss and success
AFB, 2000
ISBN: 0891283536
A collection of stories about children who were born prematurely many of whom
developed retinopathy of prematurity.
Dobree, John H & Boulter, Eric
Blindness and visual handicap: the facts
Oxford University Press, 1982
ISBN :0192613286
This book is in two parts: the first deals with the causes of blindness and
the second with the effects of blindness and the ways in which help can be
Faye, Eleanor E
Clinical low vision (2nd ed)
Little, Brown, 1984
ISBN: 0316276219
Complete coverage of all stages of care, from identification to management
including patient management and developments in methodology and technology.
Faye, Eleanor E
Low vision patient: clinical experience with adults and children
Grune & Stratton, 1970
ISBN: 0808906542
Ophthalmology practices used for people with low vision.
Galloway, Nicholas R & Amoaku, Winfried M K
Common eye diseases and their management (2nd ed)
Springer-Verlag, 1999
ISBN :1852330503
A guide aimed at medical students, general practitioners and other clinical
staff. Covers anatomy, examination, different types of conditions and
concludes with a section on blindness.
Gregory, Richard L
Eye and brain: the psychology of seeing (5th ed)
Oxford University, 1998
ISBN: 9780198524120
An introduction to visual perception including: illusion, what babies see
and how they learn to see, motion sensing, brain imaging techniques and vision & consciousness.
Harris, Christopher
Early-onset nystagmus: a parent's guide
Nystagmus Network, 1998
ISBN: 1898081255
Introductory guide to the condition aimed at parents, but may also be of value
to professionals.
Heaton, J M
Eye, The; phenomenology and psychology of function and disorder
Tavistock, 1968
ISBN: 042275420X 0422726907
A systematic study of disorders of the eye and of vision, emphasising throughout
the relationship of the disorder to the patient's mode of "being in the
world". Series: Studies in Existentialism and phenomenology
Hubel, David H
Eye, brain and vision
Scientific American Library, 1995
ISBN: 0716760096
Explores the tasks scientists face in deciphering the many remaining mysteries
of vision and the workings of the human brain.
Hughes, Wendy
Stickler: the elusive syndrome
Celtic Connection, 1995
ISBN: 0952662507
Explains, from the lay-person's point of view, what the condition is, its
genetic implications and how it can affect individual people.
Irvine, Sandy
Structure and function of the eye
Moray House, nd
Brief, layman's guide to the anatomy and function of the eye. Includes
black and white illustrations.
Jacobson, Lena
Visual dysfunction and ocular signs associated with periventricular
leukomalacia in children born preterm
Karolinska Institutet, 1998
ISBN :9162833251
Academic thesis on premature babies who are affected by retinopathy of prematurity
and periventricular leukomalacia. Includes appendices of original journal
articles by Lena Jacobson which form the basis for the thesis.
Johnson, Gordon J; Minassian, Darwin C; Weale, Robert
Epidemiology of eye disease
Chapman & Hall Medical, 1998
ISBN: 0412845008
Looks at the causes and risk factors involved in eye disease and prevalence
of different conditions based on geographical factors.
Jose, Randall T (Ed)
Understanding low vision
AFB, 1989
ISBN: 0891281193
Presents the ideal model for a low vision service and discusses how to effectively
put the model into practice.
Khaw, A R & Elkington, P T
ABC of eyes (2nd edition)
BMJ Publishing Group, 1994
ISBN: 0727907662
Brief clinical guide to eye problems including diagnostic examination, describes
specific conditions and treatments. Illustrated throughout.
McBride, Sheena
Patients talking: Hospital outpatient eye services - the
sight impaired user's view: a pilot study
RNIB, 2000
ISBN: 1858784530
Based on structured discussions with patients, friends and family in focus
groups nationwide.
Meek, Faye, Dr
Understanding a genetic disorder: stickler syndrome
Stickler Syndrome Support Group, n.d.
Information factfile No2. In reference collection.
Millodot, Michel & Laby, Daniel M
Dictionary of ophthalmology
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002
ISBN: 0750647973
Illustrated guide to eye conditions and specialist terminology.
Milner, A David & Goodale, Melvyn A
Visual brain in action
Oxford University Press, 1995
ISBN: 0198524080
Looks at the neural side of vision, the evolution of vision and cites cases
where visual deficits are seen in patients who have damage to the brain. Series:
Oxford Psychology series; No 27
Murray, Philip I & Fielder, Alistair R
Pocket book of ophthalmology
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997
ISBN: 0750623713
Quick guide to eye conditions and their diagnosis aimed at undergraduates
and general practitioners, accompanied by a pinhole occluder.
O'Neill, Damian
Perkins and Hansell's atlas of diseases of the eye
Churchill Livingstone, 1994
ISBN: 0443048223
Illustrated, introductory guide to eye conditions.
Olver, Jane & Cassidy, Lorraine
Ophthalmology at a glance
Blackwell Science, 2005
ISBN: 9780632064731
Aimed at medical students, this guide will also be of use to GPs and non-ophthalmic
consultants as well as professionals who care for people who have eye problems.
Rowe, Fiona
Visual fields via the visual pathway
Blackwell, 2006
ISBN: 9781405115254
An exploration of the relationship between the visual pathway and visual field
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
Taking the time: telling parents their child is blind or
partially sighted
RNIB, 1996
Report of the RNIB Parent Support Study investigating parents' experiences
of the help and support they received when learning that their child was visually
Sinclair, Anne & Ryan, Barbara
Low vision: the essential guide for ophthalmologists
Guide Dogs, [2008]
ISBN :9780955926808
A guide aimed at ophthalmologists to help them provide the support that patients
with low vision need. Includes topics such as improving the patient
experience, working with other services and agencies, low vision aids and
supporting children with low vision
Von der Dunk, M & De Jong, C G A (Eds)
Growing up to dependence: children and young people with
Batten-Spielmeyer-Vogt Disease
Bartiméus, 1992
ISBN: 9071534219
This degenerative disease which affects sight as well as causing other disabilities
and shortened lifespan is explored from an educational and psychological standpoint.
Weale, R A
Vertebrate eye
Oxford University Press, 1974
ISBN 019914155X
Basic guide to the eye and its functions. Series: Oxford Biology Readers;
White, Glen
Glossary of terms related to vision and vision impairment in children
RVIB, 2002
20 page document perpared by the Early Childhood Services staff at the Royal
Victorian Institute for the Blind.
Zasloff, Tela
Restoring vision: an ethical perspective on doctors curing
blindness around the world
University Press of America, 1995
ISBN: 0761801170
Shares stories and reflections of eye specialists from across the world about
the gratification that comes from helping people to regain sight. Contains
anecdotal descriptions of medical procedures as carried out in various situations
and countries.
Andrews, Rachel
Day in the life of ... Rachel Andrews, ophthalmic nurse
NB Mar 2009, No 39, p42-45
Rachel describes her role as an ophthalmic nurse with a special interest in
raising awareness in squints (lazy eye.)
Blaikie, Andrew
Advances in the treatment of inherited retinal diseases (part 2)
Insight Jan/Feb 2009, No 19, p34-35
Discusses the advances in stem cell therapy which may help conditions where
the photoreceptors in the retina are damaged.
Blaikie, Andrew
Breaking bad news
Insight Jul/Aug 2008, No 16, p14-17
Describes new training which is given to ophthalmologists to help them to
deliver bad news at diagnosis in the best way. (Followed by descriptions of
parents' experiences of hearing a diagnosis)
Blaikie, Andrew & Blum, Robert
Focus on ... advances in the treatment of inherited retinal diseases (part
Insight Nov/Dec 2008, No 18, p41-42
Discusses the advances in gene therapy which may help conditions such as retinitis
pigmentosa, Stargardt's disease etc in the future.
Childhood Cataract Network (CCN)
Childhood cataracts
Insight Jan/Feb 2009, No 19, p41-44
CCN is a support group for families affected by childhood cataracts, three
of their members talk about their experiences of the condition.
Dowdeswell, Heather J; Slater, Alan M; Broomhall, John; Tripp, John
Visual deficits in children born at less than 32 weeks' gestation with
and without ocular pathology and cerebral damage
British Journal of Ophthalmology May 1995, Vol 79(5), p447-452
A study of the visual functioning of premature children compared with a control
group consisting of full term children.
Dutton, Gordon
Children with visual processing disorders. Part 1: A different view: Field
loss and seeing movement
Insight Mar/Apr 2006, No 2, p12-16
An ophthalmologist's approach to dealing with children who have a visual field
loss due to brain damage including practical advice to enable children to
make the best use of their sight.
Dutton, Gordon
Children with visual processing disorders. Part 2: difficulty seeing information
in complex scenes
Insight May/June 2006, No 3, p21-24
An ophthalmologist's approach to helping children who find it difficult to
pick out information from complex scenes due to cerebral visual impairment.
Dutton, Gordon
Children with visual processing disorders. Part 3: difficulties with attention
and communication
Insight July/Aug 2006, No 4, p20-24
An ophthalmologist's approach to helping children who find it difficult to
communicate and pay attention due to cerebral visual impairment.
Dutton, Gordon
How active echolocation works
Insight Sept/Oct 2008, No 17, p42
An ophthalmologist offers his perspective on echolocation techniques employed
by Dan Kish.
Dutton, Gordon
Visual problems in children with brain damage
Eye Contact Summer 1997, No 18, p13-14
Discusses the variety of visual problems that can occur in children with damage
to the brain.
Fielder, Alistair
Retinopathy of prematurity
Insight Nov/Dec 2007, No 12, p23-24
Describes the progress in screening and treament of retinopathy of prematurity
in the UK and overseas.
Frebel, Henner
CVI?! How to define and what terminology to use: cerebral, cortical or
cognitive visual impairment
British Journal of Visual Impairment Sept 2006, Vol 24 (3),
Lays out the arguments and common usage of the three terms for CVI.
Goodale, Mel & Milner, David
One brain: two visual systems
The Psychologist November 2006, Vol 19 (11), p660-663
Describes work examining the functions of the dorsal and ventral streams.
Groenveld, Maryke; Jan, James E; Leader, Patricia
Observations on the habilitation of children with cortical visual impairment
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Jan 1990, Vol
84, p11-15
A general overview of children with cerebral (or cortical) visual impairment.
Holmstrom, Radhika
Childhood eye cancer
NB Jan 2009, No 37, p44-47
Looks at the prospects for prevention and cure of childhood eye cancer.
Holmström, Radhika
Colour vision deficiency
NB Mar 2008, No 27, p40-43
Describes what colour blindness is and how serious its effects are.
Holmstrom, Radhika
NB Mar 2009, No 39, p32-35
Overview of Glaucoma and looks at recent research.
Holmstrom, Radhika
Light sensitivity
NB Apr 2009, No 40, p41-43
An overview of light sensitivity problems experienced by some people.
Holmstrom, Radhika
Shedding light on retinitis pigmentosa
NB Jan 2009, No 37, p44-46
Update on current developments in treatments for retinitis pigmentosa.
Holmstrom, Radhika
Stem cell therapy: can it restore sight?
NB Jan 2007, No 13, p26-31
Discusses the potential use of stem cells in helping to treat degenerative
eye conditions such as macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa.
Jan, James E & Groenveld, Maryke
Visual behaviors and adaptations associated with cortical and ocular impairment
in children
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Apr 1993, Vol
87, p101-105
Mannerisms of children with visual impairment can often reflect the onset,
severity and type of visual impairment. It can be particularly useful in identifying
cortical/cerebral visual impairments from ocular visual impairment.
Khadka, Jyoti
In perspective: low vision devices (part 1)
Insight Jan/Feb 2009, No 19, p31-33
A brief outline of some of the low vision devices available to help maximise
residual vision.
Kingston, Judith
Understanding retinoblastoma
Visability Summer 1994, No 11, p4-6
Background information about retinoblastoma.
Kurtz, Lisa
Visual perception problems
Insight Jan/Feb 2007, No 7, p36-39
A range of activities for promoting the development of functional vision and
perceptual skills for children who have difficulty understanding and interpreting
the information they see.
Mamer, Linda
Visual development in students with visual and additional impairments
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Jun 1999, Vol
93, p360-369
Children with multiple disabilities and visual impairments were given a systematic
structured programme of visual stimulation. Acuity scores improved but
visual behaviour (blinking, visual fixation etc) did not change.
McKillop, Elisabeth ... [et al]
Problems experienced by children with cognitive visual dysfunction due
to cerebral visual impairment: and the approaches which parents have adopted
to deal with these problems
British Journal of Visual Impairment Sept 2006, Vol 24 (3),
Provides a detailed account of the approaches which parents described as being
helpful in the day to day care of their children with CVI.
Morse, Mary T
Cortical visual impairment: some words of caution
RE:view Spr 1999, Vol 31 (1), p21-26
Describes cortical visual impairment (CVI) as a complex condition that is
not an eye condition but a brain condition. Cautions practitioners that children
with CVI do not exhibit similar behaviors, that a single approach does not
work for all children, and that treatment is a dynamic process.
Neal, Samantha
Katy and Specialeyes World
Insight Mar/Apr 2006, No 2, p44-46
Katy has cerebral palsy and CVI, her mum describes life with Katy and talks
about her experience of working with organisations for parents of children
with disabilities.
Newson, Kirsty
Raising awareness about glaucoma: Glaucoma and ethnicity
NB Mar 2009, No 39, p40-41
Research indicates that people of African and Caribbean origin have an increased
risk of developing chronic gaucoma.
Norowzian, Mary
Emotional impact of diagnosis
NB Oct 2006, No 10, p20-23
Looks at the role of eye health professionals supporting clients as they come
to terms with their diagnoses.
Olatunji, Susanne
Raising awareness about glaucoma: the sibling awareness scheme
NB Mar 2009, No 39, p37-39
A project to screen siblings of people diagnosed with glaucoma.
Rahi, Jugnoo & Cable, Noriko
Severe visual impairment and blindness in children in the UK
Lancet Oct 2003, Vol 362, p1359-1365
A study of children (up to 16 yrs) who were newly diagnosed with severe visual
impairment or blindness during 2000.
Robinson, Rosemary & O'Keefe, Michael
Follow-up study on premature infants with and without retinopathy of prematurity
British Journal of Ophthalmology 1993, Vol 77, p91-94
A study of the incidences of retinopathy of prematurity in premature children
as they grow up.
Wallace, Elizabeth Jane ... [et al]
Patient profile and management in advanced glaucoma
British Journal of Visual Impairment January 2008, Vol 26
(1), p7-23
Study of patients in Fife with advanced glaucoma.
Zammitt, Nicola; O'Hare, Anne; Mason, Jeff; Elliott, Geraldine
Use of low vision aids by children attending a centralized multidisciplinary
visual impairment service
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness June 1999, Vol
93, p351-359
Discusses the prescription and effective use of low vison aids in one area
of Scotland.