These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Learning Support Assistants working with Deaf young people in Schools and Colleges

Presented on Wednesday 9 December 2009


The course, aimed at Learning Support Assistants, consisted of basic deaf awareness training which included:

  • How well do you hear? 
  • Noises in the classroom
  • Why young Deaf people struggle with English language?
  • How do young Deaf people learn?
  • Discussion of different communication tactics
  • Audiology workshops focusing on linking radio aids to cochlear implants and hearing aids and making use of listening tests.

This day also provided an opportunity to explore some of the issues involved in supporting deaf children, eg, promoting independent learning skills and working effectively with classroom teachers.

Target Audience: Non-teaching support staff working with deaf young people in nurseries, schools or colleges.

Presenters include: Mary Whittaker, Deaf Awareness presenter,
Joe O'Donnell, Educational Audiologist, Donaldson's and
Eileen Burns, Teacher of Deaf Pupils Garvel Deaf Centre
