These materials are from the archive of the SSC Website and may be outdated.


University of Edinburgh

Introduction to Support for Students with a Visual Impairment in College and University

Presented on Wednesday, 13th March 2019


How do young people with a visual impairment get support in college or university? This course focused on:

  • Overview of Disabled Students Allowance (DSA); what it can be used for, including assistive technology, training and people support.
  • What non-DSA funded support might look like, featuring examples from Edinburgh College. Demonstrations of hardware and software and how they are specifically used in a post-school learning environment.
  • How to prepare learners for the transition - introducing Assistive Technology early, making connections within colleges and universities, choosing an appropriate course.
  • Time to try the technology and ask questions.

Course outcomes: a good understanding of the types of assistive technology available, how this assistive technology is provided through DSA funding or institutional provision, and how to prepare students with a visual impairment for college and university study.

Participants said:

"I feel more informed about process of transition from school to university and what needs to be done to help students access what they need."

"I have gained valuable information regarding support for VI pupils at college and university."

Target Audience

Teachers of the visually Impaired, mainstream teachers and others who work with pupils with a visual impairment in schools, pupils with a visual impairment, parents and carers.


Stacey Brash, Student Awards Agency Scotland; Ruth Gallagher-Carr, Sight & Sound Technology; and Kellie Mote, Access Centre Manager, Edinburgh College.


10 am Welcome and introduction Elizabeth McCann SSC CPD Co-ordinator

10.10 am Introduction to DSA Stacey Brash

10.50 am Edinburgh College as a case study Ruth Gallagher-Carr & Kellie Mote

12 noon Workshop: Assessment case studies Kellie Mote

12.20 pm Any questions or thoughts

12.30 pm Evaluations and time with the technology