Prof John Ravenscroft, Depute Head of School & Senior Lecturer, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh and SSC Co-ordinator
Special Interest: Education of children with visual impairments
MoLLVIS project plans to create German language learning apps for Windows, Apple and Android devices.
Dr Nadia Northway, Lecturer in Vision Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University
Special interest:
Visual processing, Dyslexia, Eye movements
Dr Margaret Woodhouse, School of Optometry & Vision Sciences, Cardiff University
Special interest: Assessment of vision in children with learning disabilities
Dr Andrew Blaikie, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Queen Margaret Hospital
Special interest: Paediatric ophthalmology, cerebral visual impairment
Dr Alison Eardley, Department of Psychology, University of Westminster
Special interest:
Imagination, Imagery, Spatial mental representation in Blind people
Dr Joao Roe, Sensory Support Service & University of Birmingham
Special Interest: Social and emotional inclusion of children with visual impairments and Braille literacy
Dr Paula Sterkenburg, Faculty of Psychology & Education, VU University, Amsterdam
Special Interest:
Attachment in the care for persons with visual and intellectual disabilities
Deaf Issues
Rachel O'Neill, Lecturer in Deaf Education, University of Edinburgh
Special interest: BSL Glossary, Deaf education history, Language assessment
Research Project: Online Reading (Compares online reading strategies (ie, the use of graphics, text, multiple pages and review strategies) in hearing children who use English and deaf children, who use either English or British Sign Language as a preferred language.)
Dr Emily Nordmann, School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen (Deaf Education)
Special interest: Mathematics & deaf children
Prof Terezinha Nunes, Professor of Educational Studies, University of Oxford
Special interest: Mathematics, literacy & deaf children
Prof Gary Morgan, DCAL (Deafness Cognition And Language) Research Centre & City University London
Special Interest: Sign Language studies
Dr Laurent Galbrun, Assistant Professor in Acoustics in the School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University
Special interests: Building Acoustics, Speech Intelligibility Indoors
Dr Emmanouela Terlektsi, Post Doctoral Researcher, Oxford Brookes University
Special Interests: Deaf children's imagination and literacy; children's and young people's social emotional development, safeguarding deaf and hearing children; child development
Additional Support Needs
FIESTA Network Facilitating Inclusive Education and Supporting the Transition Agenda, European Project