Deaf Children Learning University of Oxford (Terezinha Nunes), 2009 (updated link)
The result of research into how deaf children learn to read and write and learn mathematics in primary school. Consists of assessments and materials to support the children's learning.
Aiming higher for deaf students - What works? What could work? SSC/Adept Conference: Abstracts of presentations and workshops
Report from the Achievement and Opportunities for Deaf Students in the United Kingdom: from Research to Practice project Rachel O'Neill, November 2014
Spoken language development over the primary years , Rachel O'Neill, February 2013
Supporting Deaf Learners in Secondary schools , Ellen Barklie, October 2012
Fixing those memories in print:
shape coding as a visual memory support , Angela Cordingley, January 2010
How can we help our deaf young
people to remember ?, Isabel Gibson, January 2010
Count Us In - Achieving Success for Deaf Pupils , SSC
Newsletter 2008
Deaf Education in Tanzania , SSC Newsletter 2007
ToD + APL = CT? , Mary Dowell, SSC newsletter 2007
Former deaf pupils' experiences at school - Jill
Dunlop (Flash movie
with subtitles) 2006
Former deaf pupils' experiences at school - Claire Leiper (Flash movie
with subtitles) 2006
Former deaf pupils' experiences at school - Frankie McLean (Flash movie
with subtitles) 2006
Language and Deaf Education: Into 21st Century:
Dunblane Hydro , Report, March 2006
ICT Workshop for Teachers of Deaf Children - Mindmapping ,
Anna Blair, Stephanie Mullen, Patricia Woods, February 2006
Deaf Students in Scottish Higher Education , M Brennan et al 2005
Deaf Toolkit: Best Value Review
Jill Jones, 2005
ADPS and Deaf Organisations
- Ken Corsar, Carole Torrance and Lilian Lawson, 2004
Achievements of Deaf Pupils in Scotland: Findings
and Issues , 2004
Highland Deaf Children's
Services , Sheila Lundberg, 2004
Social Work at Deaf Action
- Making the Difference, Frankie McLean, 2004
Thou Shalt Not by Lorna Humphrey (2003)
National Priorities in education: Focus
on Priority 5 , 2002
Personal and Social Development - Long Term and Short Term Targets
Individual Case Studies ,
Empowering young deaf and visually impaired
people: sign and sound website (2000)
Ownership: evaluating activities ,
Margaret Ward, 2000
Students taking ownership ,
(A) Headteacher looks back by Margaret Keir (1999)
Higher Levels of Thinking and Young Children: Are they compatible? ,
(1997) by Margaret Ward
Supporting reading within an auditory oral approach
(1997) by Sue Lewis