BSL Glossary
VI Early Support Resources
Early Years Working group
It helps me when document
(pdf): for including young children with visual impairments in activities and groups (2019)
Let Me Play - Early Years Play for Children with Visual Impairment
DVD (2014)
Using the Early Support developmental journal for babies and children with visual impairment
, Lorna Hall, May 2014
How does vision develop?
, Janis Sugden, May 2014
Sensory stories by Lorna Hall (on YouTube), March 2013
Taking a journey
My little puppy
Scruffy Teddy
Bedtime story
Wash time
Polly put the kettle on
Henry's holiday
Where could it be?
Sensory stories: realism
Sensory stories: storage
Sensory stories: materials
Sensory stories: advice on exploration
Sensory stories: summary
Focusing on near tasks, J Margaret Woodhouse
, October 2012
Early Years VI Education - a retrospective
, pdf document 2012
Development of Vision in Young Children
, Janis Sugden December 2010
Impact of Vision on Development
, Janis Sugden December 2010
Play - The Close up Approach
, Mary Dallas December 2010
Visual Impairment Curriculum
, Mary Dallas December 2010
Be Active Box workshop
, Lorna Hall December 2009
(The) Fiela Curriculum
, Janis Sugden December 2009
Gathering information by assessment of functional vision
, Alison Duthie, December 2009
Using the Early Support developmental journal for babies and children with visual impairment
, Lorna Hall, June 2009
Vision section of the developmental journal - what's in it?
, Lornal Hall, June 2009
Developmental Journal Overview
, Lorna Hall, February 2009
Pre Braille Skills
Lorna Hall, February 2009
Developing expressive gesture
, December 2008
Early Support - Developmental Journal for babies and children with visual impairment
Lynn Lymer, March 2008
(An) OT and SLT perspective - Developing Early Skills with the Visually Impaired Child
, Julie Orr and Eleanor Douglas, March 2008
Sequence of Visual Development
, Janis Sugden, March 2008
Visual Impairment Support Service for Children in the Community (VISSCC): 10th Anniversary
, SSC Newsletter 2007
Developmental Journal for Babies and Children with Visual Impairment - Introduction
, Naomi Dale and Alison Salt December 2007
Practical issues in working with the Developmental Journal
, Alison Salt, December 2007
Promoting visual development and use of vision: introducing the visual materials of the Developmental Journal
, Alison Salt, December 2007
Why have an Early Intervention Programme for children with VI?
, Naomi Dale, December 2007
(The) Effect of Visual Impairment on Early Development
, Mary Lee, March 2006